MK News – "I want to change …" Kim Chang-yeol presents the season 2 lunch box


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  写真 説明 [사진 제공 : 월향]

The singer Kim Chang-hee will show Kim Chang-yeol lunch box season 2 with the catering company Woori. It contains the menu you usually like, such as shrimp and shrimp shrimp tempura, jangjorim, kimchi, fish cake and gherkins.

Kim said at the press conference held in Myoungdong, Yonggwang, Seoul, on the 19th, that he was going to break through with the phrase "I will be done" with the launch of Kim, Chang –

He said: "It's because of the food that's been told to be gathered for the first time, so I thought I had to to be beautiful with food. "

It is determined that the word "rejuvenate" on behalf of his is not in good taste, or is used to signify that the content is inferior.
Mr. Kim has already presented a lunchbox for convenience stores, named after him, and has caused quality controversy.

Especially, it was a roasting problem of Suseong. As a result, Kim Chang – yeol's lunch season 2 was made from high quality sundae and Jeju pork.

He said, "I had no idea before, but it was wrong." This time, I took care of my monthly and frequent reviews.

He said, "A sophomore would have heard such stories from his friends, but I did not feel bad and I was reluctant to meet people," he said. . "

Lee Young-young, a representative of Woonghyang Lee, said:" I was afraid that the authenticity of the company as a celebrity lunch box would be a fault, but if I sell a box at 10,000 won in Myeong-dong for a week, "If you remove the image of" find a job "in this lunch box, you will benefit."

Kim Chang – yeol 's lunchbox 2 will be sold at 10,000 won a month for a week from the 23rd to the 29th in Myo – dong, Wol – hyang. The company plans to reduce the price to include in convenience stores in the first half of next year.

[디지털뉴스국 배윤경 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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