MK News – Insight Landing "Beginning" … Space Exploration & # 39; Big Event & # 39;


Launch Soyuz · Exploration of asteroids · Flight near the solar system · Private flight test with a spaceship, etc.

Following the landing of NASA's InSight Mars Geological Survey, early next year, a number of important moments will mark the history of the exploration of human space.

First, the Russian manned spacecraft "Soyuz MS-11" will be launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 3:31 am (Moscow time) on the 3rd of next month.

The launch of the first manned spaceship after the crash of the second rocket at the launch of the Soyuz MS-10 in October 2005 should help keep an eye on the world.

The asteroid probe & # 39; OSIRIS-REx & # 39; NASA also arrives at Bennu, the same asteroid the same day.

Arrived at the end of the two years of its flight since its launch in September 2016, Osiris did preparatory work and entered Benu's orbits on the last day of the year, the 31st, flying over for about two years the surface of a primitive asteroid. Exploration.

Osiris has already started sending photos of Benoit and, as the distance gets closer, he will send more detailed pictures and data.

In the field of asteroid exploration, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Hayabusa 2, launched its first asteroid Ryugu in June of last year, by launching a mini robot for the use of CT scanners. It competes strongly with NASA. . The two space agencies should contribute to the discovery of the secrets of space formation through development cooperation, for example by sharing asteroid data exploration. even in competition.

The New Horizons, flying across the planet and heading towards the end of the solar system, will be the first day of the new year with a man three thousand years old on Ultima Thule, a celestial object located in the belt of Kuiper on the outside of Neptune's orbits, C is nearly 450 km.

It is what comes closest to the celestial body of the Kuiper Belt, which has a myriad of small bodies of ice and stone in the history of mankind.

The official name of Ultima Thule is "2014 MU 69". It is named after the medieval term "beyond the known world".

It is estimated that Ultima Thule, which is only 30 km wide, is split into two elongated and revolves around one of the other.

NASA will host various events and briefings to celebrate the Ultima Thule flight from December 29th to January 4th.

On January 7 of next year, an experimental launch of an inhabited spacecraft, which will be a crucial part of the commercialization of spaceflight, will take place.

Space X, which led the US civilian spaceflight, will launch its first test by loading the manned spacecraft "Dragon" into the Falcon 9 rocket.

This flight must be successful to regain the NASA astronaut expedition activity entrusted to the Russian Soyuz capsule.

The dragon will be responsible for transporting NASA astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) in June, if no problem is detected during the test fire.

Boeing, who manufactured the manned spacecraft for the manned spacecraft, plans to fly into an inhabited spacecraft in August after the first test flight in March.

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