MK News – "It's going to die" Kang Ji-hwan "You do not like Park Jin-hee?"


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Description of the imagePicture of Kang Ji-hwan Baek Jin-hee = Capture of KBS2 "Good at Dying"

[MBN스타 안윤지 기자] Kang Ji-hwan began to believe that Baek Jin-hee liked each other.

Baek Jin-Sang (Kang Ji-hwan) started making a big mistake about Il-da (Baek Jin-hee) on the "Good to Die" show broadcast in the afternoon of July 28th.

Baek Jin-chan is reminded of the past and began to err that he liked it well.

He said, "I want to be overworked. I have been hard in my work. Even though Worthing was bad, I did it for myself. I was upset when I was transferred. I've always thought that I'm worried for my comfort. .

"What do you look like?" I asked. "What do you think?"

When he asked if he had thought of Time Loop, he said, "I did not even know that I was cursed, but now it's hard to guess.There are too many people around me who hate me What is the meaning of the time loop? If you swore, you would die. "Ahn Yunji reporter [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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