MK News – Kim Sun-Soo, Supreme Court Judge


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Candidate Kim Seon-soo said in his written response to the special hearing of the 21st that he reduced the amount of the contract by halving the price of the transaction. .

He also said, "There is a link that borrowed 90 million won from the knowledge of a spouse, but there is no charter," he said.

He then stated, "I received a tax audit once I became independent from a law firm and became a private firm."

Mr. Kim said, "As a director of Aram Bio-System, he took office in March 2008 and resigned in March 2014," Kim said. I have acquired 1932 shares. "

As for the source of purchase of the BMW vehicle for the second child, he states: "My son-in-law purchased a BMW vehicle for 5,340,000 won in January 2018." Among them, he provided 15 million won in the limit of the exemption limit. "The official said.

Regarding the controversy over the fact that he was a refugee in the case of a Chinese religious pious, "almighty" religionist, he said, "I am involved in a lawsuit in my law firm, I have no facts involved. "

In response to the legal practice of naming a list of agents even though they are not directly involved in the litigation, "other lawyers are also on the list in case the l & rsquo; Lawyer could not attend court "

He also criticized the Constitutional Court's decision to dissolve the Progressive Progressive Party by stating:" We respect and accept the Constitutional Court's decision ".

In response to the problem of North Korean defectors, the government must first clarify the truth and said, "We need to identify the true doctors of the North Korean defectors and take into account various humanitarian principles,
Representative Park Ji-won said, "I appreciate that I admit that I admit and that I answer honestly," adding, "I'm going to check the reform will for the first time since the People's trust is an emergency that falls on the ground.

On the other hand, the Special Committee on the Control of the National Assembly will hold a hearing on candidate Kim on March 23rd.

[디지털 뉴스 국 김수연 인턴 기자 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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