MK News – Kim Yoo Jung and Yoon Gyeong-sang: "I would have hurt you too"


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Description of the imageYoo Jung-chan, photo by Kim Yoo-jeong = "Once warm, clean up"

[MBN스타 김솔지 기자] Kim Yu-jung found a scar on Yoon Gyeong-chan.

In the show "Let's clean up one" of JTBC, which aired in the afternoon of the 27th, it was shown that Giloseol (Kim Yu-jung) was drunk.

Gil Solsol, who drank alcohol alone, found Jeong Gyeong-chan, a pbading person, who said, "Would you like to have a drink together?" "I'm sorry, but I will not pay any money until next week.

When I had a job, I tried to repay the money. I have the impression of falling. "

"I was an athlete when I was in school, I never fell and played very well, I do not know why, I will fall differently from my will", did he declare.

In the meantime, I picked up pens with which I had used to prepare myself for my work and I said: "I went out to give up,

I'll fill 100 of them. "

Subsequently, the way he moved his foot fell to the ground and injured his knee. The main pride approached this and Gilseol saw the wound on Jae – sun 's face and said, "I am hurt, so am I going to hurt.

The precondition was that he walks barefoot and puts back his slippers. Reporter [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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