MK News – Lee Seung-kyung, the majesty of MC for three consecutive years 'beautiful and beautiful' (2018 AAA) [동영상]


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 민진경 기자] Super Junior Lee Teuk and Lee Sung Kyung walked the red carpet.

At the Paradise Hotel in Jung-gu, Incheon, in the afternoon of July 28, 2018, was held the "red carpet" of the Asia Artist Awards.

That day, Lee Teuk and Lee Sung Kyung, super junior in 2018 AAA, take a nice pose on the red carpet.

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Description of the imageSuper Junior Lee Teuk Lee Sung Kyung

Meanwhile, the 2018 Asian Artist Awards (AAA) will be held at the Asian Art Awards (2018), which will be featured in the 2018 Asian Artist Awards (AAA) Scotland Nupeo, KARD, reaching over boys (girls) children, UI, ryujunyeol, gimdami, Lee Byung Hun, Lee Jun – Ho, janggiyong, Kim, Myung – Soo, camp, Lee Seung Gi, jeonghaein, Kwak Si – yang, sinhyeonsu, Lee Da – hee, jeonginseon, tanks, Sung Hoon, chaeun Wu , Choi Min Ho and Yoon Ah Park.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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