MK News – Limited number of "hot kids" "Kim Hye-soo and Bedsin make their first appearance in Korea"


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 김나영 기자] Minsoo mentioned bedding with Kim Hess.

On the afternoon of the 27th, the SBS entertainment program "Burning Youth" introduced a new friend, Jang Soo himself.

On that day, Lim Jae – soo said, "I spent time wandering around, there was a lot of conflict with his company and disagreements with his team," he said.

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Description of the imagePhoto in limited number & # 39; Burning youth & # 39; = SBS Capture of the show "Burning youth"

I did a part time job in a college drama troupe, and then I studied at the film department in Seoul.

"I was lucky enough to be selected in a movie." He debuted with his role in his first film, "Tube." He added, "The next movie I've had is turned was "Sunflower".

The following of the limited number appeared in the movie "Faceless Beauty". He said: "It was the first time in Korea that I was shooting a film with Kim Hye-soo, the bed was very difficult."

Kim Kwang-gyu and Choi Sung-guk heard the story and were surprised to see that it was you. [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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