MK News – [M+TV시청률] First public release of KAWAI HASHI … 1st place (Superman is back)


  461324 0th item picture

  Description of the photo Khaehee's husband husband Yang Jungmu photo = Superman returned the capture of the broadcast

[MBN스타 김솔지 기자] Superman came back & # 39; ;

According to Nielsen Korea on the 23rd, 23.5 times of "Happy Sunday – Superman & # 39; returned to KBS2 (22nd). This is the number one ranking in the same time zone.

MBC 'Mystery Music Show Masqueraded Wang King', aired at the same time as' Shandol & # 39; (235 times), recorded an audience rating above 5.1% (national) and also dominated the average with the second part of 8.1%.

SBS 'Running Man', which aired in the same time slot, also dominated the average with 6.8% (at the national level) and 2 copies (9.5%) at the National scale. Shandol continues its march towards the 1st place of the Sunday listening time.

Bentley got the highest rating of the show. William, the Bentley brothers and Sam Dad spent the second day in Singapore. The Hamington family spent an unforgettable day in an elegant family style, a pre-dinner visit or a visit to the island of Pulau Ubin.

In particular, the extraordinary Bentley Mango stole his eyes. The scene where Bentley grabs the mango with both hands and eats the controller and eats it hard, and the scene where the eyes are open to the new world of mangy taste, and the viewing rate of 11.7% per minute (metropolitan area) is saved.

Meanwhile, Sua and Xian opened a special birthday party. So, Sister Sua Beagle is organizing a birthday party with her friends from kindergarten Minkha and Ziu, Xian's friend. The kids had a nice day with dancing or swimming time.

Seosei had already met Seo-dang and was separated from his friend Alice's sister. Alice went to Australia for her sister. Jaejoong ran to the airport a month after hearing that Alice was leaving. Alice and Alice, who finally met, showed the most divorced part of the world.

But Alice, who said that she would come back a month later, the audience broke out.

The fifth family of the D-DAY project & # 39; Birth of Superman & # 39; appeared. The main character is the singer and the musical actor Gae Hee. Gae Hee 's husband, Joon Jun, was first revealed and focused. Noah, Gae Hee's son, gave a warm smile to the viewers by showing the face of Energizer Baby, who was not exhausted.

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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