MK News – Needo Speed ​​Edge presents OpenWorld "We will listen to the voice of the user as much as possible"


[인터뷰] The publishing operation team of Nexon Networks Hwang,

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  Description of the image The editorial team of Nexon Networks Hwang team leader, Chan Woong (left), Kim Soo Young GM will more actively communicate with the user with the openworld updated August 2

"When OpenWorld is introduced, it will be able to communicate in-game as RPG. I will listen to my voice as much as possible and let the users enjoy it. "

"Need for Speed ​​Edge", released last December, once again challenges the public to attract attention. The Open World mode, which is updated on August 2nd, is the starting point.

The open world mode is the open world concept of "Need for Speed ​​rivals", which we can call "Need for Speed". Up to 50 people are gathered in a big city of 15 kilometers on each side, perform different missions and run the road.

Nexon and developer Spearhead, who are in charge of this game, plan to complete the gap in the game and increase user satisfaction from OpenWorld. This is a very important update.

The development team is not the only place ahead of this update. The Nexon Networks Publishing Operations team, which is responsible for operations, is also trying to familiarize users with the new content.

Hwang, Chan-woong, the director of Pangyo Nexon's office, and GM Kim (operator) said, "I will try to communicate with users so that they can enjoy the games by listening to the voice. of the user as much as possible. "

◆ Need for quick communication with Edge "real-time broadcast"

The operations team is the organization closest to the users. According to Hwang, the team will help users to make the most of the games made by the development team. Identify the parts that appeal to the discomfort and check the user's trends to identify problems. It is also the job of the management team to make a notification to the user and respond thereafter, to compensate the user when the damage is done, and to repair the damage.

Hwang introduced the idea that "we will make announcements, respond to individual requests, create content, do events and play with users.

The Need for Speed ​​Edge team runs special content to communicate with these users. Along with the personal internet broadcaster, Kim is a real-time "GM Latty Time Attack" show that takes place every Thursday by GM. In fact, it's Kim Soo Young GM who is more famous than Hwang.

GM Kim said, "We're in charge of user communication and we're dealing with content like YouTube as a whole, and GM's broadcasting is also part of it."

On average, about 80 viewers record the same broadcast. Updates related to updates that take place every two weeks are more popular and the number of simultaneous viewers is 250 ~ 300. The total number of viewers is about 1500, and many users of & # 39; Need for Speed ​​Edge & # 39; take advantage of it.

The Need for Speed ​​Edge operating team uses this show to convey new information to users and reflect their opinions. The actual OpenWorld update was also released to users on the 23rd. The Spearhead developers have proven themselves and have opened a global stage.

Hwang explained, "There were many opinions that users could feel the feeling of running with other people such as hiding that they wanted from the past." "There was only the name of the clan, but there was nothing special to do about it." Of course, he added, "We'll make sure that ordinary users who like to play alone can benefit."

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◆ Open World Injustice Event in the game, communication and "reinforcement" of the broadcast

We also looked for various events and promotional activities for Open World. Once images and images badociated with OpenWorld content activities are created and saved, members of the operational team continue to work in openworld mode and search for user trends. Above all, I will be surprised by the hide-and-seek events that have occurred in the past by accepting user suggestions.

Hwang explained, "Since the stability of the service is important at an early stage, we will proceed to a small event and a full-fledged culture will be created when users will appreciate it independently."

Expectations for updating OpenWorld were also high. For the user, he pointed out that it is interesting to take pictures at different places and run freely with others. Operators hoped that it would be an opportunity to introduce new entertainment.

Hwang said, "As for the operator, I'm worried about stability and so on since the August 2 update." However, it was nice to be able to run with friends from the user's point of view.

Kim also said, "We were happy that we could play and enjoy without stress." From the operator's point of view, we are concerned about the cooperation missions that many users can do while we broadcast . "He said.

The Hwang team leader and GM GM are expecting the OpenWorld update to be an opportunity to improve communication with users.

The Hwang team leader said, "In the past, there was a lot of communication through writing, but I did live communication while still broadcasting recently "If you are an open world, you will be able to communicate in a game like RPG, I will try to use it so that I can enjoy as much as possible of the voice of the user and enjoy it.

GM Kim also said, "I am not a professional motorist but I have a lot of shortcomings and I am grateful to those who always look at me." "I am going to strive to become a user from Need for Speed. I hope you enjoy the open world and future updates, and I hope you will be watching the broadcast season a lot. "

[임영택기자 [email protected]]
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