MK News – Park Bumgye declares his candidacy for the Democratic presidency "Completion at the end" (complete)


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  Photo caption Park Bum-gee Chief Spokesperson declares to present at the party

A year before the general election, the decision of the ruling National Grand Party, the elder and the revitalization commitment

In addition, the Democrat Park Bumgyeong MP officially declared his candidate for the presidential election on 4 August. "I will report to the National Democratic Convention as a representative of the party," he said at a press conference in the National Assembly. "

Among the next Democratic presidential candidates, Park is expected to run for the first time in the presidential race, and Park will be the first to declare his candidacy for the presidential candidates from here the middle of this

We should not neglect this loving council, "he said," while society-wide innovation, including public office, is already led by President Moon, Who can innovate? "He said:" Only the realization of direct democracy by party members will allow the success of innovation. " This project requires a "joke error from a competent innovator." "I am a competent innovator,"

He said, "I am going to do a good job at this post, who was the highest member of the ruling party, and I will make the Democratic Party a" base camp "" He said.

"I am the right person to meet the president in order to harmonize with the philosophy of the national government." "As long as Park Bumgye is at the party table, there is no complaint.

I will strengthen staff neutrality and rewards."

Park, who served as government secretary Roh Moo-hyun during the first term of government of Roh Moo-hyun as president,

▲ he runs an online network within three months of his inauguration ▲ a person aged The committee has resurfaced ▲ The Institute for Democratic Research has been completely reorganized ▲ A year before the general election, the rules of appointment were confirmed ▲ The establishment of the Ministry of Rapid Reaction under the direction of Ethics ▲ The badessment of the presidential vote for the first year of the mandate.

On the so-called "unification of candidates," he clarified the negative position that "the unification of the bid is the path to division, the cutoff and the main race are in the process of becoming". Unification "

Although he refused to comment on the race, he repeated his intention to run" absolutely ". Copyright ⓒ Yonhap News. Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited

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