MK News – Park Chan-do, married on December 1 … "The priest, the man who has always been strong"


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Description of the imageWedding photo of Park Chan-do = Samsung Lions

[MBN스타 대중문화부] Park Chan-do, the partner of Samsung Lions, is getting married.

Park Chan – do and his girlfriend go to a wedding ceremony at 11:30 am on December 1st.

Park Chan-do said: "The bride is always the one who has always been strong on the side when it is good or when it is difficult.Thank you very much After the wedding, I will try to show to my fans the best solution. "

Park Chan-do and the priest met the acquaintance and, after two years of love, they became the fruit of the couple.

After the wedding, both will spend their honeymoon in Hawaii.

By the way, Park Chan-do joined Samsung in 2012 as a home player. The online publication team [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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