MK News – "PD Notebook", the record of the investigation of the latest natural history


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  Explanation of the photos & # 39; PD notebook & # 39; The latest article of the survey on nature The photographs of the survey = MBC & PD notebook & # 39;

[MBN스타 신미래 기자] The 'PD Notebook & # 39; And that there is a problem.

MBC & PD # Handbook & # 39; aired in the afternoon of 31 episodes the second episode of "The Last Nature", which reveals the truth hidden behind the death of the late nature.

& # 39; PD Notebook & # 39; focused on what happened last week on the background of the death of a still life. On the basis of the testimonies of his former colleagues and the testimony of those involved, the events that followed his death resurfaced.

The second part, to be released on this day, deals with how the truth about his death was concealed and concealed.

On March 7, 2009, actress Jang Nature left the world. Ten days after his death, the complaint was filed on Jean Naturally's family name. The complaint lodged with the Bundang Police Office contained the names of seven people, three of whom were bad workers linked to the badual nature document. The police opened an investigation on the basis of the family's complaint and the documents left by Mr. However, the only person who was punished as a result of the final investigation was Mr. Yumo, former director of Jean Nature, and only two members of his agency, Mr. Kim. Due to not being easily convinced, did the investigation on the characters on the entertaining list in the long –

After a month of the death of the deceased nature, the content of the nature document has been revealed to the world. Shortly after the fact that the names were written on the documents, their response began. At that time, it was reported that there was a "special intervention team" to prevent the name of the president from being mentioned in connection with intestinal-type incidents. PD Note's production team was able to listen to their response to several case managers during the coverage. Chung Hyun-oh, the head of the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, who was charged with investigating the incident, said that he had been threatened by the head of social media to prevent their names from being mentioned.

After the parliamentary government question, everyone knew that they were written in the nature document. But it was a taboo to mention the name.

How were the two surveys conducted in the nature document? The PD note has discovered something odd about the coverage of more than 5,000 investigations of intestinal diseases. In each part of the file, the "investigation" of the police was revealed. Seasoned experts who met the PD note pointed out that there was a problem with the investigation. Another person who had a meeting with nature at the time did not even receive a referral. Shinmirae reporter [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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