MK News – "Produce 48", First Ranking Announced


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 안하나 기자] & # 39; Produce 48 & # 39; is very popular in Korea and Japan. Particularly in the Korean arts, he controls the subject in real time in Japan in an unusual way.

"Produce 48", which is broadcast simultaneously on the BS Scafa in Japan, is rising as the subject of the show in Japan is rising. In the 5th broadcast, the number of buzz has increased dramatically. After the broadcast, the names of "Takeuchi Miyu," Gotomoe, "Igaun & # 39; and & # 39; Visual Center & # 39; I was in the stomach.

As the first ranking to determine survival and release, 'Produce 48', 'Mnet', 'Lee Seung Gi', 'Choi Yeonna', 'Kwon Ebi' and 'Iga Eun'

In addition, search words such as "Anjinja", "Jangwon Young", "Takeuchi Mayu", "Gotomoe", "Sato Minami" "Proven its hot popularity.

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  Image description produced 48 photos = "produced 48" emission capture

Mnet "product 48" Iga, who has been at the top of online voting with relaxed stage manners and stable skills. "I was so happy to get up and sing songs in front of a lot of people, and I wanted to thank the people who gave me the opportunity to prepare for the next stage."

Ahn Ji-jin, a cheerful and vigorous personality, climbed to 2nd place and said, "It's thanks to the domestic producers that I kept this place for 4 weeks." Lee Seung Gi, president of the trainers and many trainees, I said: "Thank you.

Despite her youth, Jang Won-young, who attracted attention as a full-fledged girl, was ranked third, and Miyawaki Sakura, who works harder than everyone else, is ranked fourth. Hidamichi Honda (11), Hideyoshi Honda (8), Choi Yeon-na (9), Lee Chae-yeon (10) (12) were named in the first title.

The last rank, the 58th, who could pbad to the next level, was eliminated from the match by Satomami Minami, who won 1,000 votes for "Boombarya" in the evaluation of the group fight. [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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