MK News – Samsung Electronics to stop the record … Restart in 3Q


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Samsung Electronics has stopped the march of performance records and entered the "breathing".

Samsung Electronics, which changed its results for the fourth consecutive quarter until the last quarter, halted in the 2nd quarter.

Analysts said the semiconductor and consumer electronics (CE) sectors were strong, but the display segments and smartphones were not satisfactory.

On June 6, Samsung Electronics announced that its provisional profits for the second quarter (April to June) decreased by 4.9% over the same period last year to 58 trillion won , while operating profit rose 5.2% to 14.8 trillion won

Operating profit is below the market average of 15.27 billion won.

5.4% lower than the previous quarter record.

In the preliminary announcement of the results, Samsung Electronics does not disclose specific figures by sector of activity.

However, according to the investment badysis, the second quarter results of Samsung Electronics were affected by the smartphone and the display.

Declining LCD panel prices and flexible deliveries of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are the main reasons for low profits. In particular, the LCD business is expected to turn red in the 2nd quarter due to lower prices of LCDs.

The IM division (IT & Mobile) also recorded a decline in operating margin due to lower volumes, a decline in ASP (average selling price) and from an increase in marketing expenses.

Samsung Securities saw sales volume of Galaxy S9 in the second quarter rise from 10 million in the first quarter to 9 million to 10 million units. Although marketing expenses increased in the second quarter, the volume effect is not expected to be satisfactory.

We believe that poor performance was due to the semiconductor and consumer electronics (CE) sectors.

In the securities market, the operating profit of the semiconductor division is expected to increase compared to the previous quarter.

IBK Investment & Securities expects its operating profit to increase by 5.6% over the first quarter to 12.184 billion won.

The EC division is expected to record a significant improvement in the operating profit of television.

It is likely that TV sales have increased in anticipation of the international event called the World Cup.

In the second quarter of this year, SEC is expected to earn operating profit of about $ 500 billion.

However, Samsung Electronics expects Samsung Electronics' operating profit to reach 17 trillion won in the third quarter of this year.

[디지털뉴스국 이상규 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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