MK News – Strange Corporate Pavilion & # 39; from Woongnae … "Samsung's net profit unlocks two million benefits"


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Hong Young-pyo, a member of the Democratic Party (photo), said on the 13th, "Samsung is the first company in the world to be the result of tightening and press the first and third partners. " He also said, "If Samsung (20% of net profit) is resolved, we can give 2 million more than 10 million won."

While Cheong Wa Dae and the government adjust the direction of economic policy toward the revitalization of companies in "shock of employment", he points out that the leader of the ruling party worries companies by showing a " biased economic consciousness ". A company manager said, "Do you want to go out on a goose boat and eat eggs?"

Hong pointed out that big business results do not come back to workers' salaries at the Women's Economic Forum Korean organized by the Korea Women 's Business Association at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Seoul.
"Korean household income declined by 8.7 percent between 1996 and 2016, but business income grew by 8.4 percent," he said. "While Samsung has become a global business, our households have become poorer." He also said, "Although the contribution of Korean companies is very small, the tax burden on the business is lower than that of households." Samsung earned 60 trillion won last year, but If we save $ 20 trillion, we can give $ 10 million. "He said.

The keynote speaker did not offer a "good traffic policy" attracting corporate profits as an investment, but stated that it was "a good business." 39, a "free distribution object".

Hong also pointed out that the compression of big business entrepreneurs is the cause of polarization. He said, "If 100 or more workers have 100 employees, the number of companies with less than 10 employees is less than 43% and the number of non-regular workers is 31%." It is the wage policy and the labor policy that raise it to ~ 70%. "

He added," While the pay gap between the 10% and the low-wage workers is widening, we will have a policy to raise the minimum wage to solve this problem. "

Hong said: "It is a phenomenon caused by structural problems such as declining fertility and declining productive population" relative to the deterioration in the index of the "l". at the top of the committee. I can not. "Such recognition is underscored that the government's economic team is ready to encourage businesses to invest through business efforts and deregulation to increase domestic employment.

A manager of a business group said: "Recently, when Moon Jae-in visited India, he spoke with Vice President Lee Jae-yong and asked Expanding jobs, which was also a message to the business world.In preparation for this step, the ruling party's statement is that companies are willing to increase their jobs and put them in business. ;Cold water. "

[조시영 기자 / 이재철 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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