MK News – Summer vacation keywords of the president of Moon … Denuclearization, reform of military institutions and power, economy


President Moon Jae-in enters the summer vacation after the first half of his breath. On weekends, 28-29, they had no official schedule and they spent five days of annual leave from the 30th to the following month.

It is likely that President Moon is resting and planning to operate the state in the second half of the year. The three pillars of the president's vacation plan are the establishment of a denuclearization and peace regime, the reform of military and power institutions and a new engine of growth to revitalize the economy.

Moon, who facilitated the North-South summit after the two inter-Korean talks, began a trip to the mediator after the denuclearization talks between North Korea and the United States reached a lull.

During the second half of the year, President Roh Moo-hyun should consider how to use these diplomatic events during the holidays, while the Third Inter-Korean Summit, the Eastern Economic Forum of Russia and the 39, General Assembly of the United Nations are planned.

The demand for reform of military institutions and power is increasing due to the revision of martial law of the military command of the Korean army, etc.

On his last official day before his vacation, Moon presided over all the major commanders' meetings the previous day, strongly criticizing "the revision of martial law is an old-fashioned, illegal deviant act that can not be solved by itself ".

Finding a new growth engine for the economy is also a challenge. On September 19, President Moon highlighted the innovation of medical device regulation by seeking the Seoul National University Hospital on March 19, followed by the Innovation Growth Movement, which opened a meeting of scientific consultation and Technological and ordered the improvement of R & D. It was said that I had the opportunity to talk with my freelancers and job seekers about it. increase of the minimum wage, difficulties caused by the reduction of working time and the current situation of unemployment.

President Moon's plan for such a vacation draws attention, as it is consistent with the government's second minister, who should be released after returning to work.

For example, President Moon's controversy over the issue of martial law documents and defense reforms may be related to Minister Song Hyung-moo's desire.

In addition, according to President Kim's plan for the economy and the labor market, the possibility of replacing the staff of the ministries of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Energy and the Ministry of Employment is also mentioned.


[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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