MK News – The first trailer of the bomb … Trump "Pay 500 billion dollars again"


■ G2 Trade War in the middle of the war
The United States warned that the G2 trade war of the two major countries (G2) had been warned by the United States that they had dropped a "customs bomb" of 25% against Chinese imports of $ 34 billion. US dollars on the 6th, C & # 39; was large scale.

This measure in the United States is only the beginning. The United States should impose an additional tariff on Chinese imports of $ 16 billion within two weeks. US President Donald Trump said China would impose tariffs on Chinese imports of up to $ 500 billion in the form of retaliatory rights.

China has stated that this behavior in the United States is "commercial violence" and will take revenge.
As yesterday, the spokesman of the Department of Commerce, the Committee of Customs Regulations and the General Assembly of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China yesterday issued tariffs on certain products manufactured in the United States.

An uncompromising trade war between the world's largest and second largest economies is a direct cause of the slowdown in world trade and the global economic slowdown. The impact of the trade war between the United States and China is expected to spread around the world. Countries heavily dependent on exports, including Korea, are relatively affected. If tariff bombs are dropped, import prices are expected to rise, which will hurt producers and consumers. The trade wars, the United States and China, target the sickest of each other, which increases the level of trade wars.

The United States wants to impose a tariff of 25% on 1102 items from 34 billion US dollars that day, a total of 50 billion dollars. Including aerospace, telecommunications, robotics, new materials and automobiles. If export prices rise and export duties are imposed on high-tech products made in China, export tariffs will be frozen and China's technological upheavals will be severely curtailed. China is not the only structure to suffer damage. The United States must also pay the cost of the rise in import prices. China targets the main agricultural products produced by President Trump and is expected to hit the United States directly. Before the imposition of a "tariff bomb", it is already complicated by the fact that in the United States, the export of goods to the public has become difficult due to tariff increases focused on the "Palm Belt". Moody badysts predict that the US gross domestic product (GDP) will decrease by 0.34% by the end of next year because of tariffs announced so far. China also expects the growth rate to decrease by 0.3 percentage points per year due to US tariff barriers.
In addition, President Trump said that if China retaliated, it would impose $ 500 billion more, and the US and China push for a general strike against non-tariff barriers by preventing telecommunications companies and semi -conductors to enter their country. There is a concern about the damage. China has banned the sale of Micron, a US semiconductor company, in China, and the US is becoming more and more fierce in the trade war, preventing China Mobile's mobile phone from entering the country. US market.

The US central bank, the Federal Reserve, also warned of the negative effects of trade wars. According to the June FOMC minutes, which was unveiled on June 5, concerns over US tariffs on Chinese products were raised. "Most participants noted that the uncertainties and risks badociated with trade policy are being tightened," the Fed said, adding that "we are concerned that these uncertainties and risks could have a negative impact on the business and investment climate. ". The Fed has raised the benchmark interest rate twice more in the second half of this year, suggesting that the US economy is good enough to suggest that it will rise four times this year, suggesting that commercial war can be a variable. With regard to the US economy and interest rate policy, the Federal Reserve said: "Economic conditions are already very good and inflation is expected to reach 2% in the medium term, and the target range of interest rates should be higher or higher by 2019 or 2020 I think it would be appropriate to gradually increase it. "

The People's Bank of China again announced the value of the yuan in one day. The People's Bank of China (BOK) announced yesterday that the median price of the dollar-yuan (base currency) has increased by 0.0156 yuan (0.24%) over the previous year to 6.6336 yuan. The value of the yuan is 0.24% lower than the dollar.

There is also an badysis that the bilateral trade war is only the beginning and that it can last as long as expected. . David Buck, a researcher at the Brookings Institution who served as senior Treasury officer to the Barack Obama administration, feared that the trade war would last at least next year. "The trade war between the two countries may last at least until next year," said the researcher in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, "because the US will not feel the economic pressures caused by the trade war ". He added that Trump 's $ 200 billion additional tariff threat will not be effective until the end of the year for various procedural reasons.

[뉴욕 = 장용승 특파원 / 서울 = 홍혜진 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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