MK News – The paradox of solar allergy … Closure of the mid-low price line


◆ Solar light at the intersection ③ ◆

Hyundai Heavy Industries, the third largest solar company in the Korean solar industry, has confirmed that Green Energy has dropped its mid-priced low-cost business due to the shutdown of low-cost production lines. The company changed its strategy to focus on the high-efficiency panel and cell market as it failed to overcome the onslaught of Chinese-made photovoltaic companies that triggered the "caustic rain". The company exports low-efficiency solar cells (cells), which are 2.6% less efficient than high-efficiency systems, mainly for emerging markets, but its unit cost is 10 to 20% higher than that Chinese people. As a result, the operating profit of the previous financial year turned negative, resulting in a net loss of 22.8 billion won.

The company said it was closing the door when it decided to terminate its relationship with vendors who had made exclusive deals because of declining production volume. Daeyu SE, which produced 150 MW panels a year and supplied them to Hyundai Heavy Industries, was closed in March. Daeyu SE achieved a turnover of 50 billion euros in 2013, but finally opted for a final choice after a deficit of 2014 compared to the previous year. Hyundai Heavy Industries has reportedly reduced its production volume from 800 to 550 MW, thanks to its recent relationships with other suppliers. A company official said: "Cheap products can not compete with Chinese products."

While the government is paying money to accelerate the spread of solar energy, national solar companies are at stake. This is why the vast budgets and government subsidies in the sector of the 39, solar energy give the impression of appealing to Chinese companies.

According to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy on August 28, the national market share in the national market of solar panels (modules) rose from 82.9% in 2014 to 66, 6% in September of this year.

During the same period, China's share in China doubled from 17.1% to 33.4%. In the domestic market, the proportion of Chinese solar panels is increasing, with photovoltaic companies actively buying cheaper Chinese products than domestic products in order to win orders.

A small solar panel manufacturer sells solar panels that sold 800 won per 1W in 2013 at half the price of 400 won. A company official said: "Due to China's ruthless price hike, nearly 10 domestic photovoltaic module manufacturers have collapsed and if this continues, the same nightmare that last year could to reproduce".

According to the PV Insight market survey, the global average price of solar modules rose from $ 0.7 per 1W in 2013 to $ 0.22 in October of this year. This is the average price of high-end and low-end products.

[특별취재팀 = 임성현(팀장) / 전경운 기자 / 양연호 기자 / 최현재 기자 / 광주 = 박진주 기자 / 대구 = 우성덕 기자][ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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