MK News – When is the buy-in price valid? How to raise funds quickly for investors


The lazy world stock market triggered by trade disputes is prolonged. The national stock market is not in the right direction, and it is in a bad situation. However, some investors are looking for a cheap opportunity in the Korean stock market, which is approaching the lowest level in the short term.

The current stock price is too low, and short-term trading is on the rise, and it's time to bounce back.

However, there is a strong possibility of technical rebound rather than a trend rebound, which is quite high, so a cheap buy strategy can be effective.
On the other hand, interest in Starkon is increasing day by day. That 's because investors who are reluctant to miss the investment opportunity are turning to Starkon as they can use more money to buy stocks.

One of the benefits of Stark is that even if you face a trade crisis because of a fall in the course of action, you can just wait for the rebound after you You no longer need to sell additional shares or shares.

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Among the investors currently using M Starkon, the most interested stocks are SBI Investment, Daily Block Chain, KOLON Hardware, Goyeong Tech, Future Industry, POSCO ICT, Cosmo New Material, Iljin Diamond, Ocean Pan.

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※ M Starkon Consulting Center: 1599-6685


[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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