MK News – Why should I take better blood pressure medications in the winter?


If the temperature difference between morning and evening is greater than 10, cardiovascular disease increases. The body is exposed to cold air and the blood vessels contract under the effect of the sympathetic nervous system. Blood pressure is sensitive to temperature. When the temperature drops by 1 ° C, it is reported that the systolic blood pressure increases by 1.3 mmHg. In particular, blood pressure tends to be higher than in summer from January to January.
Kim Won, a professor at the cardiovascular center of Kyunghee Medical Center, said: "If the blood pressure is so high in the cold, it is that the risk of complications such as cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial and stroke is much higher than hypertension itself ". This is a time when hypertensive patients must pay attention to early winter, when the diurnal difference is generalized.

New symptoms such as swollen or squeezed pain in the middle of the chest or left side of the chest, or difficulty breathing that you do not usually feel can be a sign of heart disease. Angina, especially in the heart that provides oxygen to the coronary arteries (arteriosclerosis), is interrupted by the heart that does not get enough blood, a feeling of tightness in the chest or pains compression.

If chest pain persists for more than 20 minutes and perspiration is severe enough, you should suspect a myocardial infarction. Some of them can be misinterpreted as being in the middle of pain and fat. According to data from the National Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, "the early age of myocardial infarction is gradually decreasing," said Kim Won. "In 2017, the number of male patients in their 40s has increased by 29%" He said.

At this point, you need to take several precautions to prevent cardiovascular disease sensitive to temperature changes. Do not interrupt the first antihypertensive drug you are taking. If the patient taking the blood pressure medication suddenly stops taking it, his or her initial blood pressure may be higher than the initial blood pressure due to the recoil. The sudden cold air at this time, the possibility of myocardial infarction and stroke is more likely to occur.

Second, check the blood pressure frequently. Around the world, hypertension specialists recommend measuring blood pressure at home. The measurement method used is an electronic home blood pressure monitor, measured twice in the morning and evening. The morning must be completed within the next hour, after urinating, before breakfast, before taking antihypertensive medication and after a session of at least 1 to 2 minutes. In the evening before going to bed, the measurement frequency is about 1 to 3 times. If your blood pressure is too high or you are too worried, your sympathetic nerves will increase. If this is the case, repeat the measurement and if it is still high, consult a medical staff.

Third, maintain an adequate weight. Be aware of obesity as exercise decreases and food intake increases during the season. According to the US guidelines on high blood pressure in 2018, when one reduces 1 kg of body weight, systolic blood pressure can be lowered by more than 1 mmHg and weight loss can be reduced up to 1 mmHg. at 5 mmHg. In winter, Koreans who prefer warm, light soups can increase their sodium intake. Excessive sodium intake can increase blood pressure by more than 5 mmHg. Smoking and drinking are also highlighted.

Fourth, avoid the movement of dawn.

Blood pressure is usually highest at dawn when you wake up. When exposed to cold air in the morning, blood pressure can instantly increase and cause a fatal emergency such as a myocardial infarction. Rather than reduce the amount of exercise in cold weather, you should exercise with some caution. △ Overworked, do not exercise the next morning, △ Wear comfortable enough clothes to keep warm, △ get ready for 10 minutes to stretch, and so on. Avoid excessive exercise beyond your normal exercise capacity.

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