MK News – "You could go to Mars a few decades ago, but you need more technology" “/>

The famous astronaut "Chris Hiddfield" [자료사진][EPA=연합뉴스]

The "famous" astronaut Hadfield pessimistic viewpoint

"Although we were able to send astronauts to Mars decades ago, [19659004] Chris Hadfield (58) from Canada, a famous Canadian astronaut, recently drew attention from a pessimistic viewpoint that Mars-guided exploration is not possible with current technology, in an interview with Business Insider. .

The technology that sent and rendered astronauts in the early 1960s and early 1970s would allow astronauts to be sent to Mars, but technological advancement should be preceded by a reduction in risk badociated with long-term space travel.

These points come from the atmosphere of Mars exploration by the US Space Agency (NASA) in 2033 and preparations to resume exploration of the Moon in 45 years.

Hadfield, a veteran astronaut who spent 166 days in the universe with two space shuttles in the United States and two days at the International Space Station (ISS), called David Bowie's song "Space Oddity" That's it

He said that having the technology to send astronauts to Mars does not mean that inhabited inhabited exploration is easy or safe. "If we send an astronaut, many will die and will not come to life."

While the distance between the Earth and the Moon is only 382,000 km, and the journey in space lasts about ten days, three people are killed by a fire in Apollo 1 and almost all members of the crew. There was a danger all around, like almost losing.

The long-term health risks badociated with deep radiation exposure have also recently been discovered in space travel.

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  Photo Explanation Space Station Heavy State Spacehead Bowie Space Audiophonist Head [자료사진][EPA=연합뉴스]

It's not easy to make the 500 journey long days to Earth and Moon Surveys conducted by men have indicated that current technology can not meet many challenges, including the risk of space exploration, exposure to radiation and hunger.

Hadfield compared the recent planetary excavation plan to that of Ferdinand Magellan, who made his first world trip with 5 ships and 250 sailors in 1519, leaving only one ship and 18 people alive.

I heard that rockets and spacecraft still use chemical fuels.

He said, "Using a chemical fuel is like going around the world on a sailboat or pedal boat to play.

That is why the spacecraft is forced to sacrifice appliances, equipment, supplies and living spaces in space to protect the astronaut from the deep space radiation necessary for space travel long distance so that he can reach Mars.

"I do not think I can go to Mars unless there is a desperate reason to do an exploration of Mars with the engine under development."

It, however, Given the pace of development of the flight, some people would eventually think that they might find a way to get to Mars with a technology that they do not have. never thought possible, and emphasized that it was necessary to invest more in basic research ]
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