Mobile DRAM / NAND Flash … Protect technology & # 39; winner only & # 39; – Kookmin Ilbo


The technological gap in semiconductor companies is becoming increasingly important because of the unique nature of the mobile era. Devices, such as smartphones, that must be transported continuously must be small and can be used for long periods of time without being connected to a power source.

Smartphone makers are looking for smaller, less power hungry and more efficient semiconductors, as consumers are more likely to play high-end games on smartphones. Products that do not meet these criteria will not buy even if the price is low. For example, if a smartphone maker wants to buy 16GB of memory, the smallest and least energy-consuming product on the market is a priority. That's because it's a factor directly related to smartphone performance and battery life. There is an acceleration of speed. In the past, if you were in PC age, you could put two 8GB, depending on the price, but smart phones do not do it because of space limitations. It has become clear that a company with advanced technology can make winners.

Korean semiconductor companies are making technological failures with their competitors in the DRAM and NAND mobile flash. Samsung Electronics started mbad production of the 5th generation V NAND 256Gbit (V) for the first time in the world earlier this month. It is 1.4 times faster with the same power as the fourth-generation V-NAND of the previous generation. V NAND is a technique of vertical stacking of memory. More capacity can be guaranteed in the same area. This is the same principle that more generations can live by building apartments in the same area. The fifth generation V-NAND has stacked memory cells in storage units in over 90 steps. Toshiba, Micron and other competitors are now doing the NAND of 64 4th generation units.

At the end of last year, Samsung Electronics was the number one Flash NAND market with a 38% market share. SK Hynix is ​​ranked 11th, followed by Toshiba (17.1%), Western Digital (16.1%) and Micron (11.5%). The combined market share of Korean companies is close to 50%. Samsung Electronics is also the world's first modifier in mobile DRAM. In recent years, it has dominated the market by entering for the first time in the industry the mbad production of the second generation 10nm mobile DRAM. Samsung Electronics' DRAM market share is over 40%

As technology advances, it can generate profits regardless of market supply and demand. Although DRAM prices have recently dropped, Samsung Electronics has not been much affected. "The spot price of memory semiconductors, which are traded in the market, is falling, but most of us are contracted on an annual basis, so there is little impact" , said a Samsung official.

The average contract price (contract price) for DDR4 8Gb products (2133 MHz DDR DRAM) rose to $ 8.19 at the end of June, from $ 6.81 in July last year, according to DRAMExchange market research. Considering that Samsung Electronics products are the most expensive, we can deduce that the prices of the offer have increased further.

National companies are investing in securing technology, considering that the "super technological gap" is the winner. SK Hynix has announced plans to invest in the Icheon plant on September 27th. This is the first time since the company recorded a record operating profit of W5.57tr in 2Q. It plans to invest 3 trillion won and complete the project in October 2020. The total investment is expected to reach 15 trillion won, including the investment in equipment after completion. SK has invested a total of 46 trillion won in three plants since the acquisition of Hynix.

Samsung Electronics, which invested 43.4 trillion won last year, is expected to announce a large-scale investment plan in the near future. Moon Jae-in asked Lee Jae-yong, vice president of Samsung Electronics, to invest, and Kim Dong-yeon, deputy prime minister of the economy, plans to visit Samsung soon. Although there are external factors, investment is essential to maintain competitiveness. In recent years, there has been growing suspicion that the limit of microfabrication of 7 nanometers (nm) or less has been highlighted, so the importance of technological development to overcome this problem becomes more and more important. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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