Moon said, "The revision of martial law is not aligned with departure"


  On September 27, Song Young-moo holds Moon's president at the Blue House. [뉴시스]

On September 27, Song Young-moo holds Moon's president at the Blue House. [뉴시스]

On June 27, Moon Jae-in said, "It is an old-fashioned, illegal deviant act that can not be solved by inspecting bereaved families and martial law." Before receiving a report on the 2.0 defense reform at a major command conference held at Cheong Wa Dae's guest house, he said, "We must become an army that feels more public than anyone. We must become a civil engineer who contributes to the strengthening of national defense by fidelity to the original mission. "

After receiving a report on the" municipal municipal administration documents "the day before, President Moon, who stressed the veracity of the document and the strict responsibility,

Asked about the recent debate at the Briefing after the Cheong Wa Dae meeting, Song Hyung-moo, the defense minister, said: "I have no place in the minister's position." I'm just doing everything. "" The reform of the Gimju forbids political intervention, prohibits private inspection and destroys the privileged conscience, these are the three main pillars, "he added," We will make civil reform the last summit of the reform of the defense".

Secretary Lee Seok-gu, present at the National Assembly Intelligence Committee meeting on the controversy over the controversy, said: "The officer is a military unit and a unit loyal to the Minister, I am the minister of the minister, and I can not have such a thing. "The former commander-in-chief of the delegation, including the commander of the National Assembly, received an opinion on the Department of National Defense on April 24 and stated, "Mr. Song criticized the people involved in the reporting of martial law documents. I have to look in there. "

On the above information, Lee Suk-koo, the commander of Gangwon Province, and Ganggwang Subcommittee Deputy Chief, Guyujin 5, who participated in the drafting of martial law, Au briefing.

This commander insisted, "This is not a plan of action that it has not been implemented," he said. the subcommittee and the chief of the commissioner said, "I have never attended a meeting for the execution," he said, "This is not a document that was used to make a rebellion, a coup d'etat or something to simulate. "There is nothing to do once or twice in the cabinet," he added.

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