More … Where do I go for intellectuals? – Kookmin Ilbo


Kim Jin-pyo, Choi Jae-sung, Park Bumgyeong, and the anonymous candidate,

In addition, the next Democratic Party competition is underway. As presidential candidates for the eight presidential candidates are all enrolled in the National Convention on August 25, potential candidates for pro-Kun-Gil should be in full swing, and the result of the cut will be unpredictable.

According to the Democratic Party on March 22, a total of eight active party members were registered as candidates for party representation. By the deadline of 26, the candidates will be reduced to three.

Closing is ensured by a vote of 440 central members, including active members of parliament, district president, and regional and grbadroots leaders. It is expected to be a high order equation in which various groups such as pro-rhetorical and democratic peace will be active.

One of the first lawmakers said, "Cuts are the most important thing to do when a break is made," he said. Candidates are afraid of the cut so that the word "foby" can come out. I do not know where to go, "said Lee.

Another party official said:" Since the party's own constitution has been changed to the first, there will be intense competition within the former. "This will affect Kim and Choi," he said. It is very likely that the main opposition party that will support the majority in the party will be the key variable of the party.

It is important for candidates to focus on how generations and party members are attracted by the framework that candidates insist on, such as generational changes and economic problems. Jae-sung Park, Jae-sung Park, Bum-gyu Park and others, seem to have formed a confrontational structure with Hyun Chan Kim Jin-pyo, which has a strength in terms of "economy" Choi said, "I suggest a meeting of eight people to confirm the inevitable appointment of the system."

The economic question seems to be a problem. Lee In-young, who declared his candidacy for the day, said, "Our second progress is the path of economic advancement to save SMEs and independent businesses." The economy that is compromising with Chaebols are no longer our vision. "Candidates should be the criteria for establishing healthy relationships between the government and the government. One of the first senators said: "The relationship with Cheong Wa Dae is the most interesting." I will dwell on how to do this and how to make the party's voice heard. too attracted to the presidential office, "he said," In terms of politics, I will listen to how the candidates will react to Cheong Wa Dae's economic problems. "

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