Mulbliss Cosmetics has recruited three official supporters' Blige Girls & # 39;


  Mulbliss Cosmetics has recruited three official supporters - Blige Girls & # 39;

The cosmetics brand Mulbliss announced on the 13th that they were recruiting official supporters 'Blige Girls 3'. before July 29th.

And anyone who is interested in cosmetics and who is interested in marketing and public relations can apply.

Those selected as "Bligh Girls" have a role to play in advertising their products for two months. .

Mulberry Bliss Supporters will be able to make use of various ideas and talents to provide products and experiences, and will perform video planning and production missions. In Mulbliss, fans receive products and a variety of special rewards such as 100,000 won gift certificates are provided to fans who have excellent supporters by adding reactions such as views of images, tastes and comments to the fans.

You can inquire about the 3rd phase of supporters via the official website of Mulbliss, Facebook, Instagram Gramp You can apply for the application 'Blig Girls 3' via the official Facebook page of Mulbliss and Instagram Gram Follower KakaoTalk

Meanwhile, the company recently launched a multi-cover wedding cushion and 50% sales and lipglue addition event is underway, the details can be found on the official website

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