'Mystery of Martial Literature & # 39; … I do not even have a document number.


  Chang, Young-dal, Chairman of TF Reform TF Chairman, enters the DoD office on the 12th and answers questions from journalists. Chang said,

TF President Chang Young-dal, president of the Reform Reform, entered the office of the Ministry of National Defense on June 12 and answered questions from reporters. Chang said, "It is necessary to review the situation of the investigation and reorganize the future direction of the engineer." [뉴스1]

Controversy continues over the so-called "martial law documents" written by the command of the military forces. A government source said Dec. 12: "The document is not one or two quirks." The officer noted that the date of the report is accurate. He added: "The document is not included in the document, but it does not include the document and the document number." This document is plain text because it is not clbadified as an inscription (secret document).

Last March, former Minister of National Defense Han Min-ku received a report from Commander Cho Hyun-cheon.

A former minister claimed that the document was not a plan for a coup plot or conspiracy against the country, because the document was a clear text. The question is whether the plot of the coup will be included in secrecy that is not guaranteed by secrecy. On the other hand, there is a point that the document is a "monologue" in that it is a simple text, but not a formal document. A former military official said, "The document is not an official document in the form of an official document," but "the document that the commander reports to the Minister of National Defense through the military does not follow. not the style of the mission officer. He said, "There are cases where we do not want to be an activist. "

The substance of the document is the first task that the special needs team launched on November 11 should identify.The special envoy will complete his investigation this week no later than this week and begin a full investigation the next week The Special Rapporteur may extend the investigation period twice in accordance with the order and may be investigated for up to 120 days. charge, which received the charge of the center of the rights of the military man, distributed the case to the second division of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor 's Office. Army and the prosecution conduct a two-way investigation.It is necessary to cooperate with civil prosecutors because the documents related to people such as the former minister and the former commander of the 39, former government are currently civilians. 004] Han points out that Cheong Wa Dae and the Department of National Defense did not take any action for some time even though they were aware of the existence of documents. An old military source said: "Song Hyung-moo, the Minister of Defense, received the report of the commander Lee Seok-gu on March 20," he said, adding that he also sent important questions to the Minister of Civil Affairs. In addition to the National Intelligence Service, prosecutors and the police, Minjung Chungsil is also reported by the official. The former minister said that the reason for the four-month stay of the Blue House and the Ministry of Defense was that he had himself felt that the document was not a big problem.

In fact, the Ministry of Defense has ruled that it would be difficult for foreign experts to undergo a legal review and document the officer's file.

Choi Hyun-soo, a spokesman for the Department of National Defense, said at a regular briefing on December 12: "I thought it was inappropriate that the Attorney General of Defense Choi spoke of external experts as "senior officials with sufficient expertise." Government sources said that "external experts are known to be lawyers."

But Cheong Wa Dae and the party in power are categorical about the need for an investigation.We should investigate the possibility of an effective mobilization of troops as the specific operational plan including the deployment of troops and the mobilization of tanks is included The ruling party argues that it is also significant that the president understands a concrete plan of action, such as the vice president of the chief of the army and the president of the army. Joint Chiefs of Staff after the Chief of Staff of the Army. At the Pentagon Military Service Policy Review Committee, private advisers expressed Song's delay in responding to the document.

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