[N컷] Kim Young-chul, "a wheel in the neighborhood", plants flowers with her grandmother


(Seoul = News 1) Kim Min-ji reporter Kim Yeong-cheol in the wheel of a neighborhood, Kim Young-chul Lee planted flowers at the entrance to the district of Iseon -dong.

Analogue Sensibility Documentary Collects Word of Mouth by Heart-Warming Documentary KBS 1TV "Kim Young-cheol Wheel" is a story-telling urban travel documentary that Kim Jong-Il will rediscover beauty from the lost neighborhood and lived in the era of speed, like oases, as treasure hunters, and will convey the meaning of precious things that must be traveled slowly.

In the middle of this, it was discovered that Kim Young-chul in steel planted a flower with his grandmother. Kim Young-cheol plants flowers with a squatting grandmother in front of pots lined up next to narrow alleys and planting flowers. In particular, Kim Yeong-cheol is sitting with her grandmother at eye level and sharing a conversation is a warm feeling.

Meanwhile, Kim Young-cheol stands in front of him with a restless expression, stimulating his curiosity. I can not hide my weakness when I see a potted plant that I've worked hard with my arms wrapped. The face of my grandmother, whom I saw, attracts more attention because she laughs on the contrary. So Kim Young-chul, who was trying to carry flower pots, is interested in the kind of unexpected things that are happening.

On this day, Kim Yeong-cheol, who began exploring Hanok Road from Iksun-dong, met a grandmother who made an Ise-dong alley as a field of flowers . When she saw flowers, her grandmother, who had a smile all by herself, left colorful flowerpots all over the alleys and made inventions to be able to give the pots water efficiently.

The author of the "neighborhood wheel" of Kim Yeong-cheol writes, "I live in Seoul city for more than 100 years, Seoul Hanok Gil will give the impression of open a time capsule, different from Junglim and Manri-dong. "" The story of people living in the neighborhood living in the old lane that keeps the tradition will liven up the feeling of warmth.

On the other hand, Kim Yeong-cheol's "wheel in the neighborhood" should bring warm sympathy to the viewers by showing the different charms of Seoul and the residents of the neighborhoods that can only be seen when they are in the neighborhood. ;walk. It will be broadcast twice at 19:35 on the 25th.

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