Nancy Xin, "Wrong Wrong Wrong 30 Million Won … False …"


[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

Nancy Lang, a pop artist, said that she had been charged with false accusations of 30 million won for her husband Wang Jin-jin (real name of the former territory).

Nancy said on the 30th, "It's too painful,"

Nancy Lang said that the Seo business man, who was reported on the 26th, was arrested on the charges of buying Wang Jin-jin for 30 million won

In the article reported that day, the plaintiff Seo said: "In March last year, Jeon Jun- joo was forced to pay 30 million won I did not pay the money for a year after borrowing. "Recently, I complained that the SuSeo Police Bureau in Seoul had sued the former territories and Cho Mo

Seo said, "I approached myself (Wang Jin Jin) as the son of Paradise Longevity Lynn, who owned the art fund as a pottery of 500 billion won, and as he is a man from Macao

Nancy Liang said: "I would like to express my gratitude to Joe Lee for introducing me to Joe who is a big part Gangneung's bills, and after making a payment of 30 million won on her behalf, Nancy replied, "Seo is an idiot who has lived in prison for fraud and just returned from society." "J & # 39 I had the chance to introduce Seo from an acquaintance. In the process of finding a way to use her husband's artwork, Seo discussed her relationship with Seo, saying, "Let's try the art business."

There said that if you invest 4 billion won in one person, you can collect the capital in 6 months and you can make a profit.Although he's bribed, he did not returned after Wang Jin-jin paid 30 million won. "

Nancy said," We filed a lawsuit against Seo-mo on the 27th.

Nancy said, "30 million won will be spent in renting an office to attract investment of 4 billion won, the office driving The money was sent to the account of the husband's knowledge, "he said. It was spent for 30 million won in total because of the deposit, the monthly rent, and the cost of setting up the company. Nancy stated, "My husband has made a connection with his business relationship with her husband, but he is not directly involved in the case."

On the other hand, Nancy's announcement of the marriage through the report of King Jin Jin and the marriage to SNS in December last year, Nancy Lang pleaded not guilty when he forged the letter from a natural case letter, worn an electronic shoe, married a common law witness, deceived and fraudulent, etc. Wang Jin-jin is being tried for embezzlement and fraud. The eighth trial will be held in the Seoul Central District Court.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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