National Medium Term Federation – Medium Term Department, 2018 Public Procurement Promotion Conference …


The Small and Medium Business Administration (President Park Sung-taek) and the Small and Medium Venture Business Division organized the "2018 Public Procurement Promotion Contest"

The Administration of Small and Medium Enterprises (President Park Sung-taek) and the Division of Small and Medium Enterprises held the 2018 Conference on the Promotion of Public Procurement
<중소기업중앙회(회장 박성택)와 중소벤처기업부는 7일 여의도 중기중앙회에서 2018 공공구매촉진대회를 개최했다.(사진:중기중앙회)>

The awards were given to public institutions that have made efforts to increase public procurement of products from small and medium-sized businesses, as well as to meritorious workers and exemplary small and medium enterprises. (5 points), Prime Minister's Commendation (5 points), Ministerial Commendation (36 points) and Commissioner's Commendation for Commendation (4 points). We also organized training on the public procurement system for 300 procurement officers in public institutions.

Incheon Metropolis, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. and Chuncheon City have been elected Presidential Commendations by outstanding public institutions. The metropolitan city of Incheon registered a growth of 14.3% year on year in terms of purchases, reflecting the purchase of small and medium enterprises in the badessment of officials over the fifth year. Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. more than doubled its obligation to buy technology development products worth 60.8 billion KRW. Chuncheon achieved a 93% purchase rate for SMEs and ranked first in the province with 39.4% direct purchases of building materials.

Lee Jin-ho, deputy director of the Korea Electric Power Corporation, and Hyun-Rok Oh, deputy director of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation, won the presidential citation. In the category of exemplary SMEs, 12 representatives, including Hongdo Food (CEO Oh In-suk), received the Minister's Award from the Ministry of Small and Medium Industries for their efforts to develop public procurement and contribute to community.

This year, at the 18th edition of the public procurement promotion contest, the product exhibition of 10 companies was selected, as well as a prize for meritorious products and a pilot project for development products technology. Korea Electric Power Corporation, LH, Korea Highway Corporation, etc., aroused the interest and enthusiasm of the participants.

Chung Myung-hwa, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee, said: "In the midst of the national and international economic situation, the purchase of products from small and medium-sized enterprises actively supported by small and medium-sized enterprises is a powerful support for SMEs, I will do my best to do it. "

Choi, Soo-Kyu, said: "We promote the introduction of new policies and system improvement so that the public sector becomes the prime driver of SME innovation growth." I will try hard. "

Park Jung Eun reporter [email protected]

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