National Museum of Science, History of the Stars' Fun Fun & # 39;


▲ The "Fun Fun Star Story" pamphlet, which takes place every Saturday at the Chronicle of the 7th National Museum of Science. <리플렛 제공= 국립중앙과학관>
[세계로컬신문 이효선 기자] The Fun Fun Star Story, a conference of the National Science Museum (Bae Tae-min) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Information, in Daejeon, will be held from Saturday 7 to Saturday, December 29

'Fun Fun Star Story & # 39; is a conference that gives astronomical commentators the easy and fun way to talk about various stories of the universe such as the size of the universe,

The National Museum of Science is waiting for it that elementary and junior high school students are a great help to awaken their dreams about the universe through this phenomenon of astronomy and this seasonal theme


In addition, a special thematic conference and event were prepared as a night event for young people

On the 28th, a lecture entitled "The Game of the Sun and Moon Shadow" [19659004] The event will take place.

The Science Museum explains that it will be easy and fun to understand how the phenomenon of the day and the lunar eclipse occurs when you see the lunar eclipse that appears around 5 o'clock this day and you are listening to this lecture in the evening.

From 4 to 18 next month, the conference "What does the universe look like?" And the event to observe the stars in the camp will be presented for three weeks.

In this lecture, three episodes will take place on the mythical history of the ancients, the modern scientific cosmos and modern cosmology.

Application is 200 bookings on a first-come, first-served basis at the National Museum of Korea and receives on-site registration the same day.

Baek Tae-min, the director of Bae Tae-min said, "In what land were we living, what is heaven?" This question was the most philosophical question and the most threatening for the elderly. "By listening to this lecture, it will help us better understand the universe we are questioning."

[저작권자ⓒ 세계로컬신문. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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