National Pension, Settlement of Litigation Representing Shareholders, Management of Bad Company … "Controversy over Retirement Socialism Without Independence" – Chosunbiz


Entry date: 2018.07.17 12:11
| Revision: 2018.07.17 12:14

'Great capital market hand & # 39; to deploy 635 billion won of national debt The National Pension Service plans to create a ground for the enforcement of lawsuits of shareholders' representatives and actively seek twice the dividend policy. In addition, the Company has decided to appoint a company that has been exposed to misconduct, misappropriation, embezzlement and unfair support of the subsidiaries as a primary management company and to strengthen its business activities. # 39; shareholder.

However, the executive committee composed of nine civilian members, included in the draft provisional code of governance (voting right of the institutional investor), was expanded and reorganized into a committee of Trustees. Most of the intense involvement of management, such as appointment, revocation, audit recommendation, proposal for amending the bylaws, convening for shareholders, and so on. were mostly omitted.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced on the 17th, "The introduction of the code of stewardship of the National Pension Fund"

The steward's code is a deacon of steward who manages the property of the owner of the money that the institutional investor has paid. Participate actively in the decision making of investment companies. The government plans to present the code of stewardship to the fund management committee, which is the highest decision-making body of the national pension, at the end of this month after the public hearing process.

  DB of Shipbuilding

DB of Shipbuilding

The size of the national pension fund is 635 trillion won in late April of this year. By the end of last year, more than 770 domestic enterprises have the right to vote. The government and the financial investment industry expect that the code of stewardship in the domestic capital market will spread quickly with the introduction of the national pension. On the other hand, the business world has criticized the structural limitations of the national pension, which is not exempt from the scheme, and it can be turned into a way to attack at the same time. ;business.

[19659000] The Ministry of Health and Welfare has decided to gradually introduce the code of stewardship in case of social disagreement on the coverage of the national pension and the status of the staff of the management center of funds from next year. At present, the responsible investment team, which is responsible for voting and participation rights in the Fund Management Division, has only 9 members.

Korean Air (003490) If the question of depreciation of value arises, the national pension will direct the activities of the shareholder.

Starting next year, the focus will be on the actions of the owner's family members, such as defrauding the owner, hijacking and embezzlement of subsidiaries and businesses. other inappropriate acts of support to affiliates. I decided to add it to the manager. At present, we will broaden the scope of key management issues that are limited to dividends, and actively respond to business ills.

If the central management does not offer any measure of improvement to the industrial complex, the national pension plan will be revised as of 2020. From now on, we will announce the name of these companies to the public and will do public activities.

In the second half, the National Pension Fund plans to increase the number of companies participating in activities related to dividends from 4 to 5, from 8 to 8, I decided to increase it from two to ten. We intend to strengthen our dialogue with the company that has a pbadive dividend policy.

There is also a plan to announce the direction of the voting right of the national pension before the general meeting of shareholders of the company.

During the second half of the year, the national pension plan will be launched in the second half of this year by a specialized trust committee specializing in experts. (Hereinafter referred to as the trustee). The Board of Trustees is an organization that expands and reorganizes the currently active voting rights committee. The number of participants will also increase from 9 to 14. Government personnel is lost to enhance independence. The Board of Trustees will review and determine important issues relating to the exercise of participation rights and responsible investment in the national pension system and control the activities of the shareholders of the headquarters of the fund management.

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