New LeBron team is a prestigious Lakers … $ 154 million four years –


Entry 2018.07.02 09:39

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LeBron James' new destination was the Los Angeles Lakers.

American professional sports ESPN announced on June 2 that James signed a contract with the Los Angeles Lakers of the NBA. The terms of the contract are four years, totaling $ 154 million. ESPN reported that James' agency, Clutch Sports Group, has officially announced this.

James, who was awarded an FA (freelance contract) after giving up the player option contracts last season, left Cleveland Cavaliers I was told that I was going to the same place. team. It was the first time that he arrived in Los Angeles after his private vacation that he was caught in a deal with the Lakers, who had contracted regularly. In particular, James was known to spend an annual vacation in his home in Los Angeles, preferring Los Angeles for business and parenting issues.

However, the Philadelphia 76ers, Philadelphia in Philadelphia, also aggressively courted James and interested in what he would do. The Philadelphia Phillies, who are young and talented, are about to join James and Kauai Leonard (San Antonio Spurs) at the same time. The owner of Philadelphia went directly to Los Angeles to meet with James' agent.

But James finally chose the yellow Lakers uniform. Although he has not been able to record a good performance in recent years, the Lakers will still be a league in the league if James rebuilds the team as the best club in the league. prestigious league and club.

James earned four consecutive regular MVPs, three championship MVPs, 14 all-star games and two Olympic gold medals after being named superstar by Cleveland in 2003 as the first-place total of drafts. The average of the 15 seasons is 27.2 points, 7.4 rebounds and 7.2 badists. Despite his age of 33, he played 82 games last season, averaging 27.5 points, 8.6 rebounds and 9.1 badists, demonstrating his skills up to his twenties. However, the Golden State Warriors failed to win the championship game.

The Lakers became their third career team. He moved to Miami after his Philadelphia debut, and returned home to Cleveland.

Kim, Yong reporter [email protected]

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