Nexen dominated the team with 22 points, 5th in the first half – Win 5%


  The outfielder of Nexen Im Byeong-wook, who was the highest rated player with seven RBIs. [뉴스1]

Nexen's outfielder, Lim Byung-wook, who had the best personal score of 7 points. [뉴스1]

Nexen Kang Taeseon bombed Daejeon Stadium. Nexen beat the Hanwha with six homers.

Nexen scored 22-8 in a match against Hanwha at the Daejeon Hanwha Life Eagles Park on the 11th. The 22 points are the highest score of the KBO league this season, and the highest score of the season is in the league. a single match in the history of Nexen FC. Nexen was defeated the day before and was out of the second straight series of defeats. With 46 wins and 45 losses, Nexen is ranked 5th in the first and fifth in the first half. Hanhwa finished the home game five straight wins, but it was second place in the first period thanks to SK's defeat to LG.

Hanwha's selection was Kii Samson. Sampson was 9-5 with a 3.88 ERA. But Nexen has always struggled. Starting his career as a pitcher thrower in the KBO league debut, he lost three times in his first three starts, averaging 9.22. Han Yong-duk, director of Hanhwa, said: "Nexen's hitters are good at Samson, and the ability to cut is excellent. Director Jang Jung-seok Nexen said: "Samson is a good pitcher, but he is relativity to baseball, and our batters have confidence in Sampson."


Hanhwa thrower Kivert Samson. [연합뉴스]

Nexen hitters moved against Sampson. At the start of the second run, Go Jong-wook opened the pose with Solo, and Im Byeong-wook hit the set (season 9) after the first. The southpaw, who had not been part of the starter's list of the day before, shot the circuit as soon as it was placed in order to make headmaster Jang Jung-seok Nexen laugh.

The defense did not help either. Jonathan Zune of the second and third base of the second run scored the ball fast and awarded extra points. Kim Tae-gyun, first baseman, lost all runners in round four on first and second bases. I did not even follow the luck. In the first inning, Kim Gyu-min hit the ball but fell in front of the center fielder. Sampson, who was unemployed, gave him three home runs. Kim Hyeong-seong's 12th homer in the season. In the end, Sampson came down from the mound with three hits and three innings, six hits, four walks and nine runs (seven earned runs).

Nexen's bat continued to burn. Park Byeong-ho (season 19) and Choice (season 15) each reached a relay point in the seventh. Lim Byung-wook reached the second leg of the match on 9 September. Six home races are Nexen's best home races this season. Byung-wook Lim, who had six hits and three RBIs and seven RBIs, set the record for his produced point. Lim said, "I'm happy to have recorded my first double-digit home race after my debut, and it was one of the buckets, I still have four goals left, and I'm # 1. He hopes to see more at the end of the season. "I had a good sense of practice," he said, "there was a feeling of pressure that I had to call if I had runners. I focused on the pitchers, no matter the runner.

  Nexen finished first half with 11 wins in first half

Nexen Choi finished first half with 11 wins in first half

Nexen starter Choi Won – 2 points, 5 points and 2 points. However, with the help of the underdog, he became a winner by recording 8 starts, 8 strikeouts, 3 strikeouts and 4 starts in 3 innings. Choi won the first half with the 11th and 6th matches. "It was an exciting start to the game with six home runs," said manager Jang Jung-seok.

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