Nongshim makes the biggest online sales of the year


Nongshim said on the 12th that online sales carried out on the day of the small arms group had recorded the highest value ever recorded.

Nongshim has registered a turnover of 5 million yuan (720,000 dollars) in Taizhou, China's largest online sales market, more than ten times the average daily business figure. This represents a 25% increase over sales of light military products last year.

The company explained that it focused on popular brands such as Shin Ramen and Kimchi Ramen, as well as on various promotions and marketing.

The most popular products sold at Taobao Mall are the "Nong Shim Ramen" packages, made up of eight brands of popular brands such as Shin Ramen, Raccoon, Anseong Tangmyeon and Kimchi Ramen. Followed by a Shinrabong bag (5 pieces) and a Kimchi Ramen bag (5 pieces).

Nongshim promoted mbadive promotions in front of Kwang Gun. In particular, he has engaged in various online marketing activities, such as the live broadcast of Shin Ramyun with Changhong Hong, popular in China. Nongshim said, "The strategy of putting the taste and brand of Korea, such as Shin Ramen, through young Chinese consumers."

Nongshim is ranked 5th among Samsung, Orion and Lock & Lock in the top 10 Korean product sales by the brand, which has been polled by this year.

Nong Shim's online business in China is growing every year. By the end of 2013, Nongshim, the first in the industry to build an official Nongshim Mall in Taobao Mall and to launch a full-fledged online business, achieved a record business turnover of about 17 millions of dollars this year.

"The Chinese activity is expected to reach a maximum of 280 million US dollars this year, while online business is also growing every year," said Cho In-hyeon, CEO of Nongshim China. It will become a leading food company that will lead to craze for food. "

[머니투데이방송 MTN = 박동준 기자 ([email protected])]

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