North Korea, military talks held … Training continued except hostility


[공동취재단·아시아경제 양낙규 기자] The two Koreas will hold the 10th general level military talks at the corner of the unification north of Panmunjom on March 26 at 10 am. This meeting will take place eleven days after the signing of the agreement on the high-level military talks at the inter-Korean high-level talks that took place on the 15th of this month.

General Kim Do-Kyun, head of the North Korean Defense Ministry, told an inter-Korean summit held on July 26: "Inter-Korean military authorities will conduct an interim badessment of the implementation of the the military agreement,.

South and North put an end to the withdrawal of firearms, troops and firearms from the Panmunjom Joint Unarmed Security Zone (JSA) on the 25th. South Korea, North Korea and the United Nations United Nations will jointly conduct a joint audit for two days from today. During long-term military talks, this verification process will be discussed, as will the details of cross-border facilities in each region. Civilians and foreign tourists from North Korea and South Korea should be able to move freely in the north and south of the JSA in the next month. In addition, in accordance with the "9 September 2007 Military Agreement", the formation and operation of the North and South Joint Military Committee will be addressed during these long-term talks.

The Chiefs of Staff also conduct the "Taegeuk exercises" and "guest training" in the military agreement, which does not appear in the "Cessation and cessation of hostilities" specified in the Panmunjom Declaration. The practice of Taegeuk (CPX), a unique practice for the Armed Forces of the DRC, will take place from April 29 to February 2 for 4 nights and 5 days, and the training will take place from November 29 to 9.

Taegeuk exercises take place every year from May to June. This year, however, it will be postponed for the promotion of inter-Korean and North American dialogue. The training will focus on "crisis management and conversion of exhibitions" and the "defense operation" in order to maintain a balanced military readiness taking into account the surrender of UFG. Troops and equipment do not start, but computer simulation and "war games" are taking place. This year, taking into account the grace of UFG, this year's Taegeuk exercises will run parallel to self-training (October This is an annual external exercise aimed at strengthening the capacity of forces and navies and marine forces to execute joint operations.It will take place in the forward and aft areas of the Gyeonggi Namhan River from 29 to 9 next month.

On the other hand, Hanmi has postponed this year UFG and two maritime combat exercises (KMEP and KMAP) in the United States and South Korea to lead the dialogue on the North Korean denuclearization, and Vigilant ACE, a Large-scale coalition air training, also plans the postponement.

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