North Korean Ambassador to the United Nations Security Council


"A provocative provocation against peace"

Ambbadador of North Korea to the UN. 2018.9.30 / News 1 © News1

North Korea is strongly opposed to a call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the issue of the human rights situation of its residents.

According to AP / AFP, North Korea's ambbadador to the UN, Kim Dae-jung, said in a letter sent to Council members Monday, February 27 that "the Security Council will encourage and encourage the other party instead of promoting and encouraging positive development "We are very surprised and sorry to try to thwart the flow so as to encourage them."

Since 2014, the Security Council has met annually on the human rights issue in North Korea. The US government plans to hold a Security Council meeting on human rights on October 10th.

In particular, the US government intends to invite the highest representative of the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights, Mitchell Bachelet, to the Korean Human Rights Council of Korea. North this year.

In response, Ambbadador Kim said: "Some countries, such as the United States, are trying to mobilize all kinds of mischief," accusing the North of trying to tackle the issue of human rights. In North Korea as "a provocation".

Ambbadador Kim also said: "Until last year, the Korean peninsula was more likely to experience armed conflict and nuclear war than any other country in the world, but the atmosphere of peace and stability has recently been established thanks to the efforts of the DPRK (North Korea) Not the United Nations Security Council, but the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Chinese government also stressed that the human rights issue of both North Koreans and North should be discussed at the UN Human Rights Council.

In response, Ambbadador Kim asked council members to vote in favor of a vote to determine whether to hold a meeting of the Security Council, which would involve 14 of the 15 members. Council, including the United States. United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and UNESCO Secretary-General Maria Espinosa.

In its 2014 report, the UN Commission on Human Rights presented the reality of political prison camps in North Korea and said: "The North Korean authorities are organizing and spreading human rights violations. the man against their citizens, North Korea claimed that the report was "manipulated".

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