"Now when I eat a hot meal and receive a bouquet" – Kookmin Ilbo


Asiana Airlines' ability to cope with the crisis has grown within the board while the "meal crisis in flight" has continued for the fourth day in a row. Kumho Asiana Group Chairman Park Sam-koo, chaired by Kumho Asiana Group President, has found the situation, but it is too late to deal with the four-day inconvenience of pbadengers and staff who suffered on the spot.

Make an official apology for causing a meal in flight. Park said: "I am sorry that the press conference was delayed because I was attending the inauguration ceremony of Qingdao Severance Hospital in China as the General Assembly of Yonsei University these past three days. " "I apologize to people and pbadengers."

Park explained the cause of the mealtime crisis at mealtimes and various suspicions, but he spoke of his responsibility. Replacing suppliers in flight, Asiana Airlines said that it was "not true" about allegations that Kumho Holdings, which is a holding company, has requested the purchase of W160 billion BW. Park explained: "LSG SkyChef Korea, which was responsible for providing the existing flight meals, has only signed a new contract with Gate Ghome Korea, which can be contracted on favorable terms as Asiana Airlines had a stake of 80 to 20".

Regarding the fact that the meal replacement process in flight was not smooth, however, it was vague that it was not a problem if it could be predicted. with regard to public opinion, they should badume the responsibility of management who did not prepare the response manual: "The responsibility is a matter of quality and quality." "This is not the responsibility now, but the problem is to adjust the situation.

Insufficient clarification was also made that the behavior of the owner's family was controversial in the group's crisis. Sejin (40), a Sejing (40) daughter, has joined the Kumho Resort subsidiary in a situation without social experience: "I spent my life as an officer in an unimportant affiliate to study life and study the social sciences.

The inconvenience of pbadengers due to the operation "Noh Mill", which takes off without meals in flight, should be solved after five days. However, Asiana Airlines employees will hold a rally to denounce the corruption of the family of the group owner. Asiana Airlines employees created a discussion forum at Kakao Talk and raised questions about the management of the company and the unfair treatment of employees after the inaugural meeting. Employees plan to hold a rally on Gwanghwamun Square in Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul June 6-8 to expose Park's harshness and corruption.

reporter [email protected]

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