Observations of two Earth-like extraterrestrial planets in the vicinity of "Stars of the Tea Garden"


The third closest planetary system … Location in the formable living area

Planetary Imagination of Planet Earth from "Star of T-Garden & # 39;

Planetary Imagination of Planet Earth from "Star of T-Garden & # 39; Inside the box is an enlarged view of the solar system. [괴팅겐대학 천체물리학연구소 제공]

(Seoul-Yonhap News) Journalist Seo Nam-seok = Two Earth-like planets surrounding the star of "Tigard", located about 12.5 light-years from Earth, have been observed.

According to researchers from the University of Göttingen in Germany and other scientific media, researchers led by Dr. Matthias Cachmeister of the Institute of Astrophysics of the University have published a report on terrestrial planets discovered after more than three years of observation in the journal "Astronomy and Astrophysics".

The Tigard's star was found only in 2003, a red dwarf more than eight billion years old, a relatively dark star with a temperature of only 2,700 degrees, which is relatively close to the Earth.

The name Tigard comes from the name of astronomer Bonaard Tigard of NASA, who discovered it at the time.

The star of the Tigard is a tiny star representing only 9% of the mbad of the sun, but it is the fifth star closest to Earth, after the binoculars Proxima Centauri and Alpha Centauri A, B and Barnard. Proxima and Alma Kenta Whereas we are triple system, it is the third closest to the planetary system.

The researchers discovered the presence of a planetary planet by observing more than 200 Tigard stars with CARMENES equipment in the observatory of Cala Alto in Spain.

When they search for extraterrestrial planets, they use the so-called "transit" method, which confirms that starlight shrinks when the planet goes through the star, but the research team finds that the 39, star trembling due to the gravitational action of the planet. .

The planet discovered by Dr. Chachmeister is in a so-called habitable zone where water on the surface can be present in liquid form, about 1.1 times the mbad of the Earth.

The planets b, c

The planets b, c [괴팅겐대학 천체물리학연구소 제공]

The star b of the planet inside the star has an orbiting period of 4.9 days, and the star c of the outside garden has an orbital period of 11.4 days.

The star of the star, Tigard, is about 3.5 billion years older than the sun, and the planets that it is supposed to have had time to evolve if life exists.

The researchers also confirm the existence of other planets, as both planets could be part of a larger planetary system. The dwarf 'Trapist-1', located about 39 light-years from Earth, has seven planets the size of the Earth.

The star planets of Tigard have not yet been identified as celestial bodies.

Professor Angels Galiners of the University of Göttingen, director of the project "Carmenes Science" project, said in a press release that the star planetary system of Tie Garden is in a special position and that "s" there are occupants on these planets, I can see them. "

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2019/06/19 10:42 Songwon

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