Office of the Prime Minister "January Virtual Money Data Government, Non-Governmental Reporters" –


Entry 2018.07.12 17:10

Police confirmed the fact that three different media reporters were leaked following a preliminary leak investigation of the Virtual Money Coordination Office in January of this year.

Minister of Public Affairs Kim Sung- According to the briefing, "According to the investigation commission commissioned by the Taekyung office on January 26, police investigated the detachment of Yu-po post and investigated the people involved in the investigation.

In May, citizens who wrote umbrellas come to a virtual currency exchange in Seoul, Jung-gu. / Yonhap News

Kim said, "The police said that "I have been informed that I would not be able to punish him for fleeing an official secret", he added. 9459002] Previously, the National Security Agency has informed the reporters at 8:27 am on January 15 with a text message "Inform the government at 9:40 am" and announced the schedule and content so far.The same day, a press release was distributed to reporters at 9:01.

However, these data indicate that the period of release of the embargo is fixed at 45, the moment the embargo must be canceled. It was published on an online community at 09:39: 15h on January 15th. This was a picture of the computer screen with the press release.

At the time, the police commissioner ordered a police investigation and said: "The government announced the press release on the virtual currency embargo at 9:00 am and released the Embargo at 9:40 pm ". When badyzing the fluctuation of the market price, the profit margin of the market is considerably increased until the publication of the embargo. "We have to declare the person responsible for the planning and approval of the embargo," he said .When the content of the press release on the photo was badyzed, it was said that it was up to the journalist to distribute it, not to the internal reports exchanged between the officials.

The Intelligence Crime Investigation Department of the Chungnam Regional Police Agency reported that three three journalists linked to the outbreak of the investigation reported the press release to a colleague reporter or acquaintance, 19659005] The police said that these journalists were not punished for not disclosing the secrets, but that they were not pursuing their interests because they were not officials, so that it was difficult to apply charges such as hindrance to business. "He is glad that the allegation Hachiken's suspicion that the leak was caused by a public official was false, "he said," I think misunderstandings and mistrust of officials caused by unilateral allegations will be resolved. "

Meanwhile, on December 13, a draft press release on government preparedness and emergency preparedness measures for virtual money was published: "It is very regrettable that our reporters found us. The pre-emption case seems to have spread to KCS staff by uploading data to a specific email group discussion forum.

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