[Oh!쎈 레터] "Kim Ji-seo" on the 6th day of the last day .. "


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[OSEN=이소담 기자] Today (31), "Why does Kim Ji-seo wonder why?", The 6th day of the show, while Park Seo-joon and Park Min-young, lead actors, receive more and more attention.

During the interview, I also expressed my desire to interest myself more in the work than to the enthusiasm.

TVN's drama "Why Kim Bissar?" (The playwright Choi Bo-lim, directed by Park Jung-hwa), TVN's last drama on the last 26 days, shows love cells The sea that has stimulated and greatly loved.

As soon as the drama ends, the episode of the episode is exploded and the drama sinks down. Proven heat.

Park Seo-joon interviewed on the 31st and said: "In fact, I hope that the drama will be more enlightened than the outdoor drama.Because it's a hard job for some and the others, it was very disappointing to be illuminated the day after the tragedy.

It is true that the subject of the interview with Park Min-Young was broadcast with Park Min-young As Park Seo-joon said: "I think it would have been better if the story had been published after the drama. . So he burst into the forehead without avoiding. He denied rumors about Park Min-Young's involvement in his work. However, I do not know what to say when I think about the possibility that Park Min-young and my lover, I do not know what to say about this person because it's a role to love doing some work. . In such a process, there is no choice but to be supportive. The possibility is not badured.

Even after the interview, the reaction of the audience does not go away, but since the actor has expressed his position on the subject of direct hearing, It is time to focus. / [email protected]

[사진] DTV provided.

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