[Oh!쎈 레터] "Madness and discretion" .. The heart of Mamu Mujin → "It will be true"


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[OSEN=김나희 기자] The group of girls Mama Muiwine has announced the official apology regarding the controversy about the new song "Rainy".

Liu said the first day at the official coffee of Mamma fans: "I'm listening to the rainy season with Prahyunun." I posted it.

This post, which seemed to promote the new song, was disputed right after its revelation. Some people have commented that it was very inappropriate to promote a new song using Typhoon Pirpilun, which damaged the entire country. In fact, Korea suffered seven casualties, including three deaths, one missing and three injured, due to Prahyun's presence, and the mbadive farmland was flooded and damaged.

Whitney suppressed the controversial post "I would like to apologize to all those who have been hurt and inconvenienced by my stupid and reckless writings, and I pledge to be more cautious and cautious and act in the future . " Now, I've come to see how incredible his actions have been for those who still groan with Prahyun's damage.

However, the public is still cold because it's not the first time that Hui-in has been controversial because of comments on the SNS. Because he's been involved in the controversy because of the general public humiliation, blasphemy and the consumption of alcohol. At that time, Liu announced the position of the apple, and the public is still disappointed by the controversy surrounding it.

However, others are wary of excessive violence towards Liuin. It is true that Huiin's remarks were inconsiderate, but even though he announced his position as an apologist, it is not fair to treat him as a criminal. It is the opinion that this controversy is not expected because it shows that it is charming and simple charm usually.

In this regard, he must keep his promise to act with greater care and attention and to act for himself and for his members. . I look forward to seeing his true interest in these excuses leading to a real action of focus. / [email protected]

[사진] Curated by RBW, Mammau Fans Official Coffee Shop, OSEN DB

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