[Oh!쎈 레터] "Only at home is comfortable" Lee Hyo Ri ♥ Lee Lee Soon, privacy to protect


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[OSEN=장진리 기자] Lee Hyo Ri – Lee Sang Soon and his wife have a house in the island of Jeju due to excessive breach of privacy.

JTBC directly purchased Lee Hyo-ri Lee Sang Soon's home who photographed the entertainment "Hyori's Homestay".

A JTBC official said on Jan. 14: "JTBC bought the site with Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Sang Soon in agreement with the management of the brand and artists," said OSEN .

Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Sang Soon both turned season 1 and 2 of Hyori's Homestay home at Sogil-ri, Awol-eup, Jeju Island. This home is a place where Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Sang Soon have meticulously taken care of everything from buying the property to building houses. In addition, it is a meaningful place to invite only close acquaintances and to have a wedding ceremony.

However, Lee Hyori and Lee Sang Soon suffered from the invasion of privacy after the broadcast of "Hyori's Homestay". When the location of the house was exposed by broadcasting, tourists visiting Jeju Island continued to visit and some tourists were invaded by Lee Hyo Ri and Lee Sang Soon.

Lee Sang Soo appealed the violation of his privacy, saying, "I want you to take care of resting comfortably only at home." Lee Hyo-ri, after the show "Hyori & Homestay ", said:" Although this is a place where we should rest, we are not able to play with puppies in the yard, "I do not know if you will be happy but the cars and tourists keep stressing us. "

But Lee Lee Hyo, In the couple's appeal, the interest in the privacy of the two people never stopped. The number of calls has not changed and the "Hyori family" has come to buy Lee Hyo-ri's home in Cheju Island. Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Sang-soon were not easy choices to sell a home full of their memories.

JTBC said: "After the first season of the Hyori host family, Lee Hyo-ri and his wife's house are exposed, causing privacy and security concerns." It is true that There have been some invasions of intrusions, and that this type of privacy breach has gone beyond the scope of predictions, "he said.

Then," Even if a third party buys the site in the future, it will not be easy to use as a residential place. "I could not help worrying about it." JTBC decided to buy the site with Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Sang Soon in order to manage the branding of content and artists. "Lee Hyo-ri,.

Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Sang- soon commented on the reason for the appearance of "Hyori's Homestay", saying, "People seem to have a lot of questions because they do not show up and they do not show it." , waiting for Lee H yo Ri is back in treason. People hurt Lee Hyo-ri more than before "Hyori's Homestay", and eventually they left their precious home.

Responding to the public's right to know is often seen as an obligation for artists. But there are secrets and a life that I want to protect stars outside of TV. "I want to relax as much as I can at home" as a base wind Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Soon Soon have left their nest. Could this be the root of the violation of privacy? /[email protected]

[사진] OSEN DB, JTBC Provided

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