[Oh!쎈 이슈] Kim Jin-woo → At the head of the group P ♥ Rania Yumin,


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[OSEN=유지혜 기자] The actress Kim Jin-woo at the top of the group P and the couple Rania Yumin today, the wedding announcements of the stars continue at the same time, and the entertainment industry is painted in pink.

Kim Jin-woo marries her girlfriend who has been dating for 1 year and 6 months. In the afternoon of the 17th, Kim Jung-woo, an agent of J-Wide Company, told OSEN: "Kim Kim Jin-woo is organizing a wedding ceremony with her three-year-old team this fall. The wedding date was decided in autumn, but the exact date has not yet been confirmed. "

Kim Jin-woo is boasting about her lover's face without hiding her girlfriend's presence." He appeared on SBS Power FM's Choi Hwa Jung Power Time, which aired last June. , saying that he has a girlfriend.Actress Stephanie who appeared on the radio said: "Kim Jin-woo wrote his letter to his girlfriend and tried to make a gift for them. clothes, but he could not find it in a cab. "

Kim Jin-woo and her lover, who met in the spring of last year and grew up as a lover and have loved for a year and six months, have finally made a wedding Kim Jin-woo will work hard as an actor even after marriage.

Another couple who got married the same day was P and Rania residing at idol group headquarters, while their agency was saying: "There is no work yet to be confirmed in the second half of the year, but we continue let's go to work. "The news of the two people's marriage was pbaded on to the world alone (OSEN's 17-day solo report), Park P (Se-Hyuk Park) and Yum Min (Kim Yu-min), member of BP Rania. The thing that made a joke.
P, born in 1991, and Yoo Min, born in 1994, are third generation couples. Both men were known to have decided on a marriage based on their deep affection and mutual trust.

P, who debuted in the music industry as a member of the upper band in 2013, will be joined by changing the name of his team to the poison genealogy, J & # 39; stopped the activity. Yumin made his debut with BP Rania in 2016, and he also worked as a model, and the team was withdrawn. Although he was not active, he attracted the attention of many people in that he was married to an idol child.

As there is a lot of news of marriage, there is a lot of news of marriage In 2018, Kim Jin-woo, P-gun, and Yoo-min joined the same day and made a wedding announcement . Many fans give cheers and blessings to Kim Jin-woo, P-gun and Yumin, who announced their news on the wedding, "Congratulations". In the future, I wonder if they will come to see the activities that they are going to marry. / [email protected]

[사진] OSEN DB.

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