[Oh!쎈 이슈] Teen Teen ★ → Wedding & # 39; Yangmira "2 years plan still, small wedding preparation" (synthesis)


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[OSEN=김보라 기자] This is a gateway to the star that stars have crossed once.

In 1999, two years after its debut, the MBC weekend drama "I Love You" debuted in the drama "I Love You", a popular teen actress who made her debut in music. entertainment industry in 1997.

. In 2002, he starred in the 2002 television drama Daebak Family, in 2002, in the drama KBS2 Children of Heaven in 2002, in the SBS drama "Jangil San" in 2004, starring KBS1's daily soap opera in 2005, & # 39; Dejavu 2 in Urban Ghost Story & # 39; in 2007 and & # 39; Three Sisters & # 39; in SBS in 2010.

Other performances include "Star Survival Drama". (2000) (2006), "Hip-hop Nation 2" (2016) and "Video Star" (2016).

Yangmira, who formed a solid fandom on the 10th floor with the nickname "Burger Girl," is about to marry a 2-year-old businesswoman in October.

Following the OSEN interview on the 23rd, Yangmira will hold a closed wedding ceremony on October 17th in Seoul, Korea.

Yangmira was featured in a special report of "Ya Yang Sisters" of TVN's "TV talk show" which aired in 2015.

Yangmira's future husband is known as a hoonnam who has a We we talked about preliminary topics and topics gathered.

Yangmeira told OSEN: "I was preparing for Small Wedding with my acquaintances, but I was contacted while I was writing this article." I was also contacted by friends who

After that, Yangmira said, "We have been a couple for four years." Of course, it was decided that the story of "I think I should be married this year" came out. When I met for a long time, people around me asked me, "You are not married?"

According to Yangmira's description, her future husband is a "tsundere" style.

Yangmira said: "The two-year plan is to build a new style for the younger generation," he said, "I have not done anything concrete yet," he said. "I have a lot to prepare for a small wedding.I will first focus on the wedding plan.I think it's natural that everything be old and want to live it according to the situation. "/ [email protected]

[사진] Yangmira SNS Provided

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