Oh, Hyundai Heavy "Worse" … Reverse the growth towards a union strike


Entry: 2018-07-21 04:10:00

– Union, full strike …
– Proposal for unpaid leave of manpower, hand-of-work Inactive work

Hyundai Heavy Industries, which suffered from hunger and fierce competition in the industry following the crisis in 2010,

The union began a full strike on 20 partial strike of three hours of March 19th.

The main reason is that the bosses and management are the subject of a controversy over the abandonment of unoccupied workers in the offshore factory before the closure in August.


At the last meeting, the Minister of Labor and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

C & # 39; is the first time the company offers a leave without pay to the union after the management crisis

The company also proposes to freeze the base rate and bring back 20% to the standardization of management in the correction .

Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering) said: "Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering)

On the other hand, the Union has downplayed the inactive workforce by affecting some of the work at the offshore plant and some of the marine labor at other workplaces. .

The number of inactive workers due to the suspension of the operation of marine plants is about 2000.

In addition, the union must pay half of the wage increase

A union official said, "The company has unilaterally decided to leave unpaid and unemployed labor, without any prior coordination with the union."

The union staged a strike complete on 23 and 24. respectively

The firm is also firm in position.

In the first quarter of this year, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. recorded a shortfall of 244 trillion won, 80% less than the same period last year (15.468 trillion won).

Although operating profit reached 400 billion won in 2016 and $ 10 billion in 2017, operating profit reached W2trn in 2014 and 2015, respectively.

As orders declined and management became difficult, Hyundai Heavy Industries shut down the Gunsan shipyard in Jeonbuk last year.

The company said: "The strike has caused some interruptions in production, but this is not enough to harm the operation."

We will continue to communicate with the union to make a compromise. "

Meanwhile, according to Kim Jong-hoon, a member of the Committee of Small and Medium Enterprises Industry of the National Assembly Resources Industry and Commerce, Hyundai Heavy Industries Group promotes the restructuring of 2400 The group's retained earnings jumped to 13.43 trillion won in 2016 and 16.2 trillion won in the last year.

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