Oil prices skyrocketed in Cheong Wa Dae over oil tax cuts


  Petrol and diesel prices rise for the second week

▲ Domestic prices for gasoline and light oil rose for the third week in a row and peaked annually. The photo shows information on oil prices displayed in front of a gas station in the city of Seoul. (Photo: Yonhap News)

[에너지경제신문 김민준 기자] "Please lower the oil tax" "Reduce the oil tax, which accounts for 60% of the oil" "What if you raise the minimum wage?

petition relative to the price of oil posted on the display board of the National People's Petition on the Cheongwadae home page.When searching for a keyword "oil value", about 350 national petitions are sought and the "petroleum tax" can easily find about 70 petitions.

According to the oil information service of the Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), "Offinet", the third petroleum gas station in Korea during the third week of July, The average price of gasoline sold at $ 1,611.6 per liter rose 1.7 watts per liter from the previous week.It was the third consecutive week of gains, and the company beat the annual record of 1610,1 won registered in the second week of last month. This is the highest price since the 1620 victory recorded the fourth week of December 2014. Compared to 1340.4 won during the second week of March 2016, the lowest point of the last three years it increased by 20.2%. The price of diesel also increased from 1.8 watt to 1412.6 won compared to the previous week, the highest level since 1431.3 w in the fourth week of December 2014. Domestic kerosene also increased by 1, 6 won at 942.7 won, the highest price this year

  Oil value "src =" http://cdn.ekn.kr/data/photos/cdn/20180721/2018072101001034700045222.jpg "border =" 0 "title =" Petition Cheong Wa Dae linked to the price of oil displayed on the bill. 

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▲ Tax on the price of oil paid to the public petition Cheong Wa Dae

The tax attached to 1 liter of gasoline is transport tax energy tax (529 per liter) , road tax (26% of transport tax, 137.54 won) (3% of the price of imported oil), and import duties (16 won per liter), etc. The transportation energy tax of diesel is the same as that of litter It is 375 won, and kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are taxed separately, instead of the tax on consumption energy, and LPG also has a sales tax. The basic tax rate for transit energy environment applied to diesel is 475 won per liter and 340 won per liter, because the plus (+) elasticity rate is applied to increase at 529 won and 375 won. If you can afford this tax rate of elasticity The prerequisite for adjusting tax rates is that it does not include price stabilization oil, etc. It does not include the "stabilization of oil prices", improved transportation, improved public transport, energy and resources.

In addition, Korea reorganized its first and second tariffs on energy and, based on the price of gasoline at 100, it decided to use the fuel price of transport as light oil and LPG The government, which collects huge taxes on oil prices, is not able to reduce the oil tax because it fears that tax revenues will decline.

A petitioner also pointed out the structure of the fuel tax: "The government is compared to the countries of the OECD," We emphasize that the rate of taxation on visas is not not high because it is a simple comparison that does not reflect the national income. "Comparison of national income with advanced countries, People pay a much higher oil tax.As the oil tax is levied on indirect taxes, the amount of tax levied to 17.91 billion won in 2011 will increase to 23.73 billion won in 2016. The tax levied on petroleum products will be taxed, the countries of the OECD

It is also stressed that why the bus tax that does not collect also harvest. [ad_2]
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