Ojung Yeon, weight increase diet statement of 11 kg … Why is it so cute?


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Recently viewed Pictures | Oh Jung Yeon SNS

[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

Oh Jung-yeon, KBS announcer, declare your diet and netizens cheering.

On the 28th, Oh Jung Yeon posted a photo with the message "Many people have reported it.

In the photo, Oh Jeong Yeon's name appeared in the real-time search term of the portal site.

"To be honest, I've grown 11 kg in two months," he said. "I confessed that the fruit juice shop was steamed while the juice had been left in the restaurant and left behind. "

He said: "I have lived without much notice, but the photographs of the articles are so clumsy that I wake up, I go on a diet and go public." That day, he participated in an event and focused his attention on the journalists.

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Before the weight increase. Pictures | Star Today DB

When O Jung Yeon's diet statement was made public, netizens said, "It's just now, but why is it cute?", "Is not it a normal weight now ? "," It was too dry before. Do not worry about people, "" What are you saying? "," I'm adorable "and so on.

For his part, Oh Jeong – yeon speaker is a public link announcer KBS 32 who turned to freelance in 2015. He is currently in charge of the JTBC's Nawai King television news program.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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