On the back seat … "The functions of the passenger notification system please" National Petition


When a grandfather in his 60s forgot to take his grandchildren to the back seat and left his car in his car, he regretted that his grandchildren died of a heat stroke and the national petition.

According to the police station of Gyeongnam Province, A (63), at 9:30 on the 4th, took his uncle B (3) I installed my car in an outdoor parking lot and went to work immediately .

After news of the unfortunate death of a 3-year-old boy, he was released to the Blue House on May 5,

"Since 1998, the number of American children who have been left in the car in hot weather since the year 1998 has reached 749, "the statement said.

"There was an unfortunate accident in Korea," he said, "if there was a" pbadenger notification system "in the vehicle,

The" System Pbadenger Notification System "is a system in which a child can get off the driver when it gets off the driver.

At present, this system is installed in some models of Germany, and the domestic car is the first to be installed in the new Santa Fe (F.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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