Once again, evolving character, overview of the awakening of the mobile Black Desert


The mobile MMORPG & # 39; Black Desert Mobile & # 39; Pearl Avis (CEO, Jeong Kyung-in) offers new features such as a new "wake up" system and adds a new system for user convenience on December 5th.

The new system of Black Desert Mobile, "Awakening", is a true evocation of everything, not just the awakening of the clbad, but the evolving content of clbad growth and equipment. Weapons, fighting styles and other attachments are all a kind of old concept.

"This update has enhanced the skills to match the mobile platform." We will be able to cope with many splendid and powerful actions after waking up. "" We will have the same power as the clbad of the Awakening, which will be updated later.

▲ Clockwise from the upper left corner Berserker – Destroyer – Arc Mage – Wind Walker

The berserker is a heavy but heavier sword, but one of the camps turns into an exciting clbad. Warrior was a ruthless warrior who woke up the existing honest attack. It's the best clbad for western fantasy.

Before waking up, the ranger, who has bowled his main weapon, wakes up with a windmill and then takes a sword. Fighter with two daggers borrowed from the power of nature, he attacks faster and more continuously than before. The clbad that takes advantage of the characteristics of the elvish race, takes the strength of the wind and shows a lively movement.

The mage's proximity is a reincarnation of the arc mage, where distant magical skill is the main one. Based on a brilliant remote magical attack, fight with the Tet Lightning Squad. Summon Tank is summoned when using skills.

Lancier, the awakened clbad of Valkyrie who held swords and shields, fights with a large window. The heavy window is the main weapon, but the mobility is still, and it is characterized by the excellent connection technique that is spread through the window. Each skill is strong and you can feel a heavy hitting sensation.

Destroyer is the most exciting fighting clbad of Black Desert Mobile. The main weapon has a powerful fighting style, like explosion attacks in all directions with iron gloves. If the existing giant feels a little steeper, he will move faster and faster after waking.

Non-polarity is a clbad characterized by a wide range of attacks. With giant silence, you can attack enemies around you and combine various skills to suit each situation. It was conceived as a concept that gives a sense of longevity to the Orient.

Ripper is an existing wizard's waking clbad. With a huge sickle and a field combat style and PVP Battlegrounds, there are many unusual and unpredictable skills.

Darkness uses a welcome sign. Depending on the situation, it broadcasts various melee attacks and has a ranged spell. You can jump quickly when you jump on the battlefield and you have the same hash skill because you have the attitude of the old black knight.

Chunang has an astonishing speed of continuous typing ability with a celestial rod as the main weapon. It has skills that approach enemies in a fast and fast escape skill, so it is good before speed. Above all, it is planned with the South Korean gods motif, and it is able to use colorful skills depending on the attributes. After waking up, he fights with the same darkness as before.

A "succession system" for users who prefer existing weapons is also available. "Succession", which can be further enhanced using known weapons, is a system for users who prefer the weapons inherent in the existing clbad. You may encounter a new clbad in the same clbad as waking and the inheritance clbad will have a different name. For example, the warrior's heritage clbad is a "gladiator". The Pearl Abyss development team plans to update the estate sequentially.

"Black Desert Mobile has a lot of feedback from users who like it," said Pearl Abis, the organizer of the Wake Up Course. I will try to reflect the opinion of users in the best way that does not break the balance of the game. I would like to ask you a lot of attention after waking up. "

On the other hand, Pearl Avis will sequentially launch the "World Management" system and the new mysterious "Desert" zone, starting with the update of the "Awakening" system.

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