One day I talk about cooperation with you, the National Assembly "I see you" "Hit me"


Entry 2018.11.06 03:01

Chang Jae won "Young Sun Park,
Park Wan-ju "Reading Blind"

Yesterday, the ruling Uri ruling party announced on May 5 the "bipartisan cooperation on the 2019 budget" in Cheong Wa Dae, but as part of the budget process of the National Assembly,

At the extraordinary meeting of the National Assembly, ruling and ruling parties clashed over the government's economic performance "Moon Jae-in". "The consumption index is deteriorating in the government of Moon Jae-in," said South Korean legislator Song Song-seok. Democrat MP Park Young-sun criticized the 1998 financial crisis and the 2009 financial crisis by saying: "It is now dangerous and more difficult to promote the (economic) crisis".

The conflict occurred shortly after. Liberal Democratic Party leader Chung Jae-won said "Park Young-sun is trying to encourage the economic crisis by hiring a member of the House of Representatives." a serious defamation, "said the Democratic Party. In Chan's current remarks, Park Wan-joo, a Democrat, said, "This is a member of the National Assembly that the ability to read is not good." There is a gap between Park and Park, "Park Wan – joo, do not look", "Park Wan – joo?" Even when they came out of the conference room, they said, "Hit, hit." This disturbance only calmed down when members of parliament and their aides dismantled the two congressmen Zhang said to his colleagues, "This is not a punch."

Outside the jurisdiction, the ruling party and the opposition party also mobilized to obtain a "total power to maintain the government's budget" (Democratic Party) and a "reduction of 20 trillion won" (Korean government) "The budget allocated to inter-Korean cooperation (an amount of 1,100 billion won that the opposition party calls for cuts) is rather rare and can not be cut in half," said a member of the Democratic Party in Democratic Party, Kim Seong-tae, chairman of the South Korean party, said: "We must reduce the budget allocated to false jobs by the government and the excessive budget devoted to inter-Korean relations." The Korean government has stated that He was to cut more than 20 trillion won, "Kim Gwan-young, spokesman for the right-wing party, said:" We are going to reduce the total budget by 12 trillion won, including the amount of money we have spent. increase in the number of civil servants and short-term jobs ".

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